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Asia Server?
Greetings to fellow players and dev team of NI,

Thank you all for this wonderful mod. I am a former player of NI who played in NA servers for a while. Recently a friend of mine from Asia asked me if it's possible to open a server in Asia. As I know, there was a Chinese server once (around 5 years ago maybe?lol), but it was shut down for some reasons. Now there are still quite a few old players of NI left in Asia, and I am sure more will be attracted to this mod if there is a working Asia server.

Here's the situation: now that friend of mine is willing to open a server, all cost covered by himself. He wants the permission from the NI dev team to reopen the Asia server. Is it possible?

PS:I assume there will be some possible donations? Wink
China vs Au
We have more Au people playing atm but the cost of severs is high...

I would like to know how much ping I would get on a sever in China or even some mid way point. Add it should be alot cheaper so we should get about the same amount of severs as Eu/Na.

2 things tho.
1.We don't even need 4 severs+ 3 would be nice but 2 is fine.
2. If we are good with 1-3 severs do we need to change?

Yes you can donate to get the sever you what I think but if it just by yourself save your money. Who's going to use it when there Na/Eu/Au not much people at all.
I also live in Asia but I can get along with 200 ping EU, 100 ping AU and 260 ping on NA and don't have any problems (unless server lags).

Woody you would get between 100-200 ping at a guess
Legendary Loots:
Zephyr - 14/6/2016
Illustrious - 01/02/2025
Due to how the mod code works, we are unable to support privately managed servers while ensuring the servers have not been tampered with. Years ago we did allow people to host NordInvasion on their own servers but people eventually took that opportunity to cheat and we had to discontinue all non-official servers.

I tried to look at some Asian server pricing a year or so ago while looking at Australian servers but was unable to find anything reasonably priced. I would be interested to see what sort of ping your friend would get on our AU servers. Also, if you do know of a host with reasonable rates and could provide links directly to the pricing plans, I will at least take a look. We would of course need donations to support another server but lets come to that after seeing what the costs would be.

Thanks for your interest.
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@Woody: fear not m8, he's not suggesting to take away AU servers and start Chinese instead. Rather, he is proposing an additional one...
(29-07-2016, 05:08 AM)Bobo Wrote: @Woody: fear not m8, he's not suggesting to take away AU servers and start Chinese instead. Rather, he is proposing an additional one...

My point was why have both when it would not get used much at all.
Au has been low on numbers If we had a Asia Server it would be even less  

like Rowan said he would have about 100 ping on Au servers and better ping than people from Au on Eu/Na severs so he has it better than us lol.
(29-07-2016, 05:58 AM)Woody Wrote: (...) Au has been low on numbers If we had a Asia Server it would be even less  (...)
You might have a point here, it's difficult to complete a run with few players only. Should ppl scatter between two server locations in Asia-Pacific each one of them would be less populated...
Actually, normally 3-5 people on Au servers, do or have potential to complete runs.
Quit the game Now I'm back, rip life

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Dragon Halberd 22/05/2024
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Brigadine Plated Red 26/05/2024
Glory 10/06/2024
Sure thing, strong players can do a run in a small group or even alone on a good map. Though the times of lone kiters, running into the setting sun are somewhat over now Wink
But the runs with mostly new players on are often more troublesome. And new players we need.
Anyway, we're going OT now...
(29-07-2016, 05:58 AM)Woody Wrote:
(29-07-2016, 05:08 AM)Bobo Wrote: @Woody: fear not m8, he's not suggesting to take away AU servers and start Chinese instead. Rather, he is proposing an additional one...

My point was why have both when it would not get used much at all.
Au has been low on numbers If we had a Asia Server it would be even less  

like Rowan said he would have about 100 ping on Au servers and better ping than people from Au on Eu/Na severs so he has it better than us lol.
Thing is, I've only ever seen 3 players from Asia including my self, this will be an expensive server which only 3 people will be paying for and will probably not be used a whole lot

it is used as a halfway point between all 3 regions
Legendary Loots:
Zephyr - 14/6/2016
Illustrious - 01/02/2025

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