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CM or Pavise
I'm wondering if Chosen Marksman delivers more damage while shooting compared to T4? Reload faster? Something else?
Not sure which one to chose...

Advice requested from experienced xbowmen Smile
i know it gets some more proficiency but not sure what other points it gets , but i choose pavise for the black armour and i got a bolt tosser so i can still shoot fast with a xbow
barbutte with coif Smile
aurora blade

yea  sharpthorn
To me the main difference is being able to spawn in different crossbows like the eastern repeater for example. The fire rate/damage should be a bit better but as we don't have damage meters in this game it is hard to say how big the difference is. I went for chosen as I have a rg already. The black armour as prof pointed out is a nice advantage of pavise, if you have a lot of gold spare for bolt tosser + black armour that could be a nice option too, especially if you also have a good shield.

In short: for pure damage chosen, for survivability and shielding pavise Smile.
For Black Armour and pewpew, pavise.
For just pewpew and ugly armours, cm
Well got both and i have truble telling with eagle if cm is faster but the slower xbow's can see it abit more.
I would choose Pavise, CM does have shooting advantage but pavise comes with backup shielding, more armours, and with the damage that xbowmen deal, the extra boost is exactly needed.
Legendary Loots:
Zephyr - 14/6/2016
Illustrious - 01/02/2025
You convinced me to go Pavise, especially Kaasovic: pewpew in Black Armour is the thing ! Wink
There's some new shield for xbow, isn't it? Anyone knows?
Swadian Half-Board Shield
Speed Rating90
Hit Points1200
Shield Width35
Shield Height50

Same crafting as the 3m ones
Ty Woody Smile
It doesn't seem to make sense to craft it as the Defender Shield is a bit stronger and a damn lot cheaper then. Not ot mention if it's the same costs then it's so much better to get Aegis.

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