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Secret Santa
Ok people! The sign ups are coming to an end as they shall close within the next half hour so now is your last chance.
To ones who have joined, please make sure you are in the house and that we have an open trade. You are able to start placing items into the trade. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and are looking forward to the new year!
Legendary Loots:
Zephyr - 14/6/2016
Illustrious - 01/02/2025
Might as well take the gamble;

Name: DB_Kaasovic_IV
ID: 2522646
Ok guys, sign ups are now closed.

Thank you to those who are participating and hope you get a nice surprise! Tongue
Legendary Loots:
Zephyr - 14/6/2016
Illustrious - 01/02/2025
Alright guys, the new year has begun and the Secret Santa has ended, so I do hope you enjoy your gifts, especially one of you (you shall know who you are Tongue) and I hope that the new year has many surprises to come. Happy 2017!
Legendary Loots:
Zephyr - 14/6/2016
Illustrious - 01/02/2025

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