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Legendary quests are available only to the legendary classes
First of all I apologize for wrong sentence structure. English is not my native language.
I want to offer to create a Special legendary quests that will be unique. Your quest for every legendary class. But if the quest is unique, then the reward needs to be unique. I would like to reward unique items which are not on the market and in the crafting table, but these premium items must differ from market characteristics. 
The stats of these items should be above the market and maybe some crafting. But not above legendary items.
To do this, developers will have to create new models for these items and a new color for titles on the website :3

Quests must be incredibly complex to such valuable objects do not fall into the hands of idlers and lazy.

Don't know if it is possible to track the treatment of a kit, hit the bot in his hands, his head, legs, body. To track the damage of your shield or shield of the opponent. And what is the damage caused.
If possible, it will be possible to come up with new Legendary quests.

Write what you think about this
Unique items already have a pink or gray color
i think he means quests for different heroes. for example:
XBow Heroes: kill a lot of Ranged Bots (80% Ranged 20% melee bots)
CM: Kill some Inf bots aswell
AV: Kill some Tricksters/Assasins Aswell
PC: Take x Damage/Repair Shield 1000 Times

Inf : Kill a lot of Melee Bots (80% melee 20% ranged)
Skirm: Kill 60% melee and 40% ranged
Archer: Kill 60% ranged and 40% Melee

As xbow is most accurate/shoots the furthest i think it is specialized to kill ranged, as bow has less speed and jav even less.
A worthy idea, my good sir. I'd support that. The reward item would have to be class specific (usable by the char completing the quest).
I even suggest to the developers to think about the support tools for the Legendary classes, which may be characters having a level 50 support.
For example, special bolts, the Siege of the Wizard for Chosen Marksman to be placed in the slot of the support in a quantity of 10 pieces. For Siege Engineer.
and I would suggest to make this a unique premium item for the same Chosen Marksman + Siege Engineer
like siegemaster bolts for siege engineer and for nurse "healing bolts" that do the same as SM bolts but with negative damage =healing

instead of locking it on 1 hero class better lock it on siege engineers and bolts are usable by crossbows anyways only Tongue
"healing bolts"? What???? Are you serious???????
Bolts Siege Master inflict damage on the square as a barrel. But they either must not be the same as barrel damage or the number of bolts in the stack must be small.

And Yes, probably wise to use such bolts all legendary classes crossbowmen, not just the Chosen Marksman

for RG and Pavise Champion add portable anvil with a charge of x 3 in order to repair the shield. I've seen one once at some strange event.

Think. Offer something interesting. Maybe the developers will pay attention to it, will balance and add to the game
(16-02-2017, 10:23 PM)Ken_Keneth_MacCormick Wrote: "healing bolts"? What???? Are you serious???????

well if you include siege engineer class

you also have to offer something for the nurse class.

if a sharpshooter (who is far from his teammates) sees shielder getting hit he can "shoot" at them to heal them (instead of running all the way to medikit reach to heal them

a way to implement this is by alternative fire modes for those type of bolts (Press X) to get a mode that does 0 damage but little explosions (Engineer) or partial heals (Surgeon)

also i think 10 is too much, maybe 3 max (engi) / 5 (surg) and make them only usable by each respawn, not able to refill them like normal bolts (you cant refill barrel/tome either)

as for the engi bolts the damage should be like 1/10 of damage of barrel to prevent players from killing boss/jotnes/follower of vanagadr too fast, the reach should be also smaller (maybe 3 nords beside each range)
Very nice concept, Kriegstofu, I'd love such bolts.
Surgical bolt... Super....
I think that the support does not have to be a "kit". For example, if you enter in the game the damage of the player in the form of bleeding, the player is constantly losing health. For example amputation of hands. And the medic will get bandages that will heal but will stop the bleeding.

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