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Item Adjustment Request
It'd be cool if some items were changed to fit their value, obviously this requires you people who have the ability to make models/adjust.

As an example, the eastern katana looks a bit average for such a good weapon, and would hopefully be accepted if it was retextured, in the very least if the blade was black, or gold, or some simple positive change like this was made.
Also the wormbane looks too op for its stats, maybe the appearance should be nerfed, maybe if it was the colour of the basic steel and less curved?

Of course there are heaps more items that could do with changes, if any of you are interested in doing stuff like this it'd be epic, assuming it could be implemented.

The community does not get to decide on prices, then tell us to change items based on them.
(26-02-2017, 12:22 AM)Winter Wrote: No.

The community does not get to decide on prices, then tell us to change items based on them.

hahaha, I didn't mention changing the price of items at all. I was saying that if you take a legendary item, it shouldn't look like it's worth 50k. If people are willing to go to the effort of making valuable items look better, then I'm sure that most of the community would be more than happy with these changes. or maybe this isnt the case?

edit: i mean take archer's good melee weapons; fire blade, wormbane, aurora, fell edge (i believe), im sure that im missing some, but of these that i know of, they all look pretty damn epic.
then the best and most expensive of all of them by far is the eastern katana, which just so happens to look worse than all of them by far (subjectivity based on assumption of vast majority). Now you may like it's appearance, and even put it up against the other weapons i've listed, but i'd expect that most people would prefer if it actually looked 'better' than those cheaper weapons.
I think it is possible you are missing my point. The "value" of an item is subjective, just like the appearance. The looks of the item are part of the value. We can debate looks for ages, but these debates have already taken place when the items were being tested before being added. I don't think it is worth our time to add gold trim to different items based on whether or not they are legendary.

To give a better look into the process: we start with an idea of types of items we need and find some models that suit it. We then discuss how the models look and what tier they should be in. Then we add the stats for that tier based on the length of the item and its weapon type.

If you have a specific item that you have a model improvement for, feel free to submit it.

I've just noticed this is not in feature requests, so I'll leave it open for any modellers to try their hand at the items you have suggested.
ok, you must have just noticed afterwards that this was directed more towards the modellers. saying that, check out my edit ^^^.

I feel that your perspective is more broad, and assumes a more dynamic item release progression process throughout the game than it really is. Where people may find some subjectivity in the importance of specific item stats, don't assume that this is valid for the entirety of valuable weapons; some items are objectively better than others. If a worse weapon looks better, it remains less viable for the team of players on the server to keep on using it, appearance becomes irrelevant. NI has a strong emphasis on teamwork, to the extent that many people will go for stats over looks, for the sake of the team, what they are left with is how they feel about the 'appearance' of their item that they already know is epic in terms of stats. This final feeling is the major variable which imo should be as positive as possible, in order to appreciate the best items in the game.
Based on the appearance-based choice of items you referred to, people would be accepting of my choice to use a worse weapon (strange great sword) to slash in rag, just because i love how it looks. This is not the case. I may have used an extreme example, yet the same underlying principles remain.
You know that this discussion is pretty much pointless right? How an item looks is subjective and will be up to the opinion of the individual. I don't think there are any volenteers either to start remodeling the entire item catalog according to stats.

Just be social and ask people for the items stats, if you chose to use a weak strange sword because it looks cool that's on you.
Looted A Frying Pan 11/25/14
[Image: tbavTdE.jpg]

Ek why ek.. lol. 

Jorm looks crafted (Swadian Pike looks about the same and it for tr3..) bring back carrot stick!
(26-02-2017, 03:25 AM)Looter Wrote: You know that this discussion is pretty much pointless right? How an item looks is subjective and will be up to the opinion of the individual. I don't think there are any volenteers either to start remodeling the entire item catalog according to stats.

Just be social and ask people for the items stats, if you chose to use a weak strange sword because it looks cool that's on you.

ok you're COMPLETELY missing my point, please don't criticise the details if you didn't bother reading it. If you did read it, please don't disregard 99% of the details in your reply.
Instead of saying "I don't think there are any volenteers either to start remodeling the entire item catalog according to stats", maybe try being more constructive, otherwise nothing is achieved. Obviously if people are interested, that is my entire basis of this thread. Also, given you didn't read past the first line, don't make assumptions that I would consider it to be positive if the 'entire item catalog' was to be modified. Here you're just being ridiculous and only trying to make something minor appear to be some major change i'm attempting to implement, which it is clear that I am not! Maybe just don't bother commenting in these forums if you carry this attitude with you, and a lack of respect for any potential ideas.

I do know very well that many people have issues with the appearance of certain items, and if just one item is remodelled from this thread, it would be worth it, as it'd completely change the use of this item in the game.

the EK and wormbane was just an example off the top of my head.
I'm still confused though, there's little changing the appearance does in how the item is used in game? It's still the same stats, and practically nothing changes or is really achieved. I don't think it's worth it to change items to make them look more or less fancy according to stats, leave them in their original state and whatever changes modelwise come that are donated come. I mentioned the lack of volenteers because NIs community is incredibly tiny, and no one is around to provide any modeling work besides for Terath, it's practically impossible to find anyone who's Interested or will volunteers if theres no one around who can.

Frankly new ideas that have been submitted have mostly gone nowhere for a while, there's no one to work on any of these besides for small tweaks from developers. Sorry for not respecting new ideas, maybe if this mod was bigger or at the size it was in years past I wouldn't mind this, but I don't think this is going anywhere in Ni.
Looted A Frying Pan 11/25/14
[Image: tbavTdE.jpg]

well it's up to whoever wants to create/edit model to choose what they work on, this is a suggestion directed at them...

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