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WTS Ailadordd
Looking for Xbow gear mainly Deadshot, Onyx and Brigadine Palted Herladic

I can balance with Guardian Armor, Aming helmet and 4 mil

1. PoL, Valsgarde, Legacy, Dark Heavy Greaves and Tome.
2. Deadshot, Leather over Mail
What part of don't ask for other currency on any of our servers, including the forum or teamspeak don't you understand.
- Ailadrodd - 16.04.17

- 16.04.17 
(Morning) *Kriegztofu looted Dragon Halberd*  
Qrvishon: Fuck you I never loot
(Evening) *Ailadrodd!*
Qrvishon: I am chicken
Noname: Can I fry you?
Qrivshon: Y
Noname: QFC
Noname: KFQ*

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