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Repeaterman --> Swadian Guard ?
Well, I think I have posted this idea before some were but think it may have got over looked?

Swadian Guard - Name up to devs etc
-This hero becomes the RG with the normal tr4 armour like Brigadine Plated Heraldic, etc... 

One handed: 185
Two handed: 120
Polearm: 45
Archery: 20
Crossbow: 320
Throwing: 20
Power draw: 1
Power throw: 1
Power strike: 6
Ironflesh: 7
Athletics: 5
Shield: 10

Chosen Marksman
-Gets all xbows

One handed: 185
Two handed: 120
Polearm: 45
Archery: 20
Crossbow: 350
Throwing: 20
Power draw: 1
Power throw: 1
Power strike: 6
Ironflesh: 5 (-1)
Athletics: 6
Shield: 5 (-1)

Pavise Champion
- Becomes like Jugg so gets to keep the pc armour and it gets buffed 

One handed: 185
Two handed: 120
Polearm: 45
Archery: 20
Crossbow: 320
Throwing: 20
Power draw: 1
Power throw: 1
Power strike: 7
Ironflesh: 9 (1+)
Athletics: 6
Shield: 7 (-2)

- Does need something and a light armour would help as said in other posts. 

Why I think this new hero would be better than the old set up
- People like Troll and me and other's that went pc just for armour (Black armour back then)
- Going this new hero would be a lot closer to RG and I can see it getting it own armour sometime in the future
- People that want to use a big shot and a repeater in the same wave can
- Repeaterman is a shitter version of Cm so once you bring in that Repeater a CM will pick it up and be "100%" better
- I would make this hero... Repeaterman and Cm are very similar 
We already have Pavise to shield. Why strip Pavise of this function and create a new class to do the same and with almost the same stats?
Pavise has 2 main things going for it shield and armor. The idea is to split them in to hero's were each thing can be better on its own.

Can make it you get a token for the 3 hero's so you can choose what one you want. 

I'm guessing most people picked PC for one thing over the other.
(01-09-2017, 11:07 PM)Woody Wrote: Pavise has 2 main things going for it shield and armor. The idea is to split them in to hero's were each thing can be better on its own.

Can make it you get a token for the 3 hero's so you can choose what one you want. 

I'm guessing most people picked PC for one thing over the other.

Ironically you can say the same thing about Repeaterman and Chosen Marksman.
The worst thing that has happened to this game was making 4 classes...well besides real-world trading. Class locks went wonky abound everywhere and the hoplite's hitbox doesn't even work. Sentry is pointless. Juggernaught well....c'mon really there's RG just throw it a buff although buffing has gone way too grossly too far in the game already. Repeaterman is also counter-intuitive because there is chosen marksman which is a marksman that specializes in crossbows and should be able to fire them all if he is the master of them ffs. 

With all the items in the game I can think of an example for each type where there is so minor of a difference that there is hardly a use for it...just to have it rather. Items are overabundant and redundancy becomes the issue.
MP - Warden - Sentinel - Zwei - Pavise - RG - Halbradier

Steam  Legendaries

Feel free to add on steam for trades.
(02-09-2017, 06:01 AM)Sharmastyle Wrote: The worst thing that has happened to this game was making 4 classes...well besides real-world trading.

Nah man, the worst thing was adding hero classes because they were redundant over the four base classes and hybrids.  It just made commandos more commando-y or overlap with pikeman and made other stuff overlap with commando.


Repeaterman is not counter-intuitive over Chosen Marksman. What part of Chosen Marksman means specializing in crossbows? It means you are a marksman. A marksman would be a master of accurate weapons, not all of them, no? Repeaterman sounds like the one that would use repeater weapons to me tbh. I don't suppose a marksman would be especially skilled with a sword or a M61 Vulcan.

Sentry is about as pointless as Aventurier and Duelist. Hey wait a second... RIP Duelist.

It is disappointing that Hoplite hitboxes are not working. I thought they were working upon release.

It seems you have gotten into an odd position in which you simultaneously have too many items, so there is no reason to have them, yet you also don't have enough items for rich players to spend their money on to stimulate the economy. I'll let Woody and Sharma argue this one out Big Grin
It should be as simple as what would be more useful and what would people rather this or what they have now. At least this is more diverse in heroes..

How I see it now and with my idea

OLD - | 1h | Shield/Armor | "Xbow" | "Xbow" |

NEW - | 1h | Shield | Armor | Xbow | 

Btw Winter me and Sharma are just about on the same side. We both think 16 heroes is too much and over lapping in traits can't be help altho it can be better than what it is now.
(02-09-2017, 07:57 AM)Woody Wrote: OLD - | 1h | Shield/Armor | "Xbow" | "Xbow" |

NEW - | 1h | Shield | Armor | Xbow | 

This is entirely arbitrary and only works if you decide to classify two kinds of something as the same thing.  We can do the same in classifying shields and armor with sword as melee or shields with armor as defense.
OLD - | melee | melee | ranged | ranged |

NEW - | melee | melee | melee | ranged |
(less diverse)


OLD - | attack | defense | attack | attack

NEW - | attack | defense | defense | attack
(more diverse)


OLD - sword | shield | repeater crossbow | crossbow

NEW - sword | shield | armor | crossbow
(equally diverse)
So in the market place where do I buy the Repeater.. not in the xbow section? 
The Xbow skill that Cm has does not make them better at Repeaters vs Repeaterman?

It would be like if Zwei was for 2hs and Jugg 2h Hammers... it's so close to being the same thing that its a waste to have 2 heroes do the "1" job. 

With other heroes here were I stand atm. 
Hoplite and Marauder almost suffer from ^^ but the play style is more different/diverse than Repeaterman vs Cm. 
Sentry just makes Sentinel look shit the only thing Sentinel has over Sentry is it being a 1h... (being able to pick up a shield.. cant even bring in 1) 2hs have so many positives behind them in Ni that being a 1h is not enough.
(02-09-2017, 10:07 AM)Woody Wrote: So in the market place where do I buy the Repeater.. not in the xbow section? 

Checkmate, atheists!

Wait a second, does that mean there needs to be hero classes for foot armor, body armor, helmets, and gloves because they ARE all in different sections, and that somehow decides whether or not different heroes can specify in them or not? Admittedly this isn't the strongest argument, but honestly do you want a new section added to the marketplace just for you?

Here's another example.  Pistols and rifles are both guns, yes?  I'm fairly accurate with a rifle, but handguns not so much.  I suppose since they are the same thing and you buy them at the same place, I should be equally capable with each, but for some reason I am not Sad

Tbh, it is only under the crossbow section because Warband didn't have repeaters originally, and no one bothered to add a new category to the marketplace for them. It would be sort of lame to add a marketplace category for one item. I don't suppose Legionnaire also needs their own marketplace category for Legionnaire throwing spears?

(02-09-2017, 10:07 AM)Woody Wrote: Hoplite and Marauder almost suffer from ^^ but the play style is more different/diverse than Repeaterman vs Cm. 
Sentry just makes Sentinel look shit the only thing Sentinel has over Sentry is it being a 1h... (being able to pick up a shield.. cant even bring in 1) 2hs have so many positives behind them in Ni that being a 1h is not enough.

Sort of like how Legionnaire overlaps too much with Pikeman, Halberdier has the same playstyle as Marauder and can't even bring in shields, Juggernaut and RG are too similar (wait, wouldn't armor xbow and pavise champion be THE SAME THING?), Warden outclasses all of the other ranged because bows on archers are just better and everyone is a min-maxer, and the Sarissa and Jormungandr style weapons have so many positives behind them in NI that just being a 2h isn't enough?

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