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House stuff
Elaborate on the housing system?
I will explain houses to you. The primary utility of Houses is safe trading without the fee you incur using the auction. At the moment, there is not much else being in a house does for you that cannot be done via agreement to wear the same banner and play with the same people. There is currently no easy way to communicate with every member of your house, and king's favor, campaign, and kings tasks do not do anything, so you don't have to worry about them.

To make a house, you are required to have 10,000 gold and both you and the person you choose to be your captain must have 250 faction points (earned through quests). A house is taxed 100 gold a day, taken from the House Bank (which you donate to to increase the amount of gold held).

That is essentially all there is to it. Any other rules of houses are self-imposed. I may have missed some things, so someone help me out if I have.
ba da bing ba da BAN! -Hypernoma
What happens if the House Bank doesn't have enough gold?
Striker strikes again.

Your House is shut down when it doesn't have enough gold. You might need assistance from a dev when that happens.
ba da bing ba da BAN! -Hypernoma
Oh my.

Thank you for the quick answer.
Striker strikes again.

I fully understand how houses work, But what I'm saying is to add more depth to them.
Try please.
Give a man a fish, and you have fed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will continue fishing even if you give him a fish.
- Fingus

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