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Why and when is xbow better than an archer (Warden)?
Yeah, just had an argument on that matter in-game and would like to get some insight into why and when should you use xbow over archer.

My pros and cons for archer:
1) Faster - perfect for kiting

1) Low hp/armor - you shouldn't really get hit by anything anyways so that is not really a con imo. If you do get hit anyways, you obvs did something wrong before.
2) Less shot power than xbow - although higher DPS balances it. Except when there is a bolt tosser or a similar item on xbow's hands.

Pros and cons for xbow:
1) Max accuracy is higher than archer's - doesn't really matter as stag's accuracy is 110 anyways. Anything over 100 is just for show tbh and makes no difference (would like some information on that though. Thanks.)
2) More shoot power - that is the only real benefit over archer I see atm. Although the DPS is normally higher for archers.

1) Slow - kiting is really important for survival purposes and gameplay in general (saving cades etc.)


Thanks for any information and discussion. Smile
Legendaries Looted: 

Stag Bow - 08/02/2017
The crossbow does not disperse the sight when aiming.
Discord/Steam: ilya2106 
Professions: [⚒MAX][⛊MAX][⚗MAX]
House Crafting: [⚒25][⛊16][⚗MAX]
-Crossbowmen have better armors and melee skill.
-Best character for peeking thanks to infinite draw, which is a huge advantage against ranged enemies.
-Massive damage, higher shot speed and range.
-Can knock down enemies even with a craftable crossbow.
-Accuracy higher than 100 is not just show, I know this from my own experience with my chosen marksman. I was on hard, grabbed Sharpthorn which has better accuracy(110?) than Elegant(99) and I really felt the difference.
-Not every map is suitable for kiting.
-Might even have higher dps if they have Ailadrodd.

Also it is really about personal choice, all classes have their advantages and disadvantages. They are not superior to each other, but rather different.

P.s. Melee is the best.
Less talking, more raiding!
Whether a class is better or not heavily depends on your playstyle. X-Bow has a high damage and is very good when it comes to take out enemies with one shot in the head. Archer is probably more efficient if you just want to shoot quickly into a group of enemies without aiming that much. X-Bow however can also shield if necessary and is quite skilled in melee as well. However archer is just more agile and has the ability to kill more enemies within the same time as x-bows if you play it well.
?.?.12 - Wormbane
4.6.18 - Penetrator

[Image: 76561198058198743.png]
Just from your points you showed how xhow and sniper are in a good place ATM.

One point you forgot that puts sniper at the top of the score borad is the DPS or the speed of bows.

Sniper takes the most skill to play as having low amour + low damage but if you can aim for the headshots/not miss the DPS will be higher on the AVG bot vs xbow.. Xbow for me has always been the afk class... Just stand there firing away slowly sure you could get a alia but my point about it feeling like your afk stands even stronger with a repeater as at that point you don't aim.
crossbow gets coif fur hat,
barbutte with coif Smile
aurora blade

yea  sharpthorn
Ofc Troll

Xbow and Archer are made for different places and playing styles

Xbow does have high damage but it takes time to reload again
Archer has less damage but can shoot faster then a Xbow

If it is need some Xbows can take there place in the shield wall
Well if Kiting starts Xbows are going to be the first to die

Xbow is better I would say for someone who likes to just sit in the cades and shoot or peak
Archer would be better for someone who likes to be able to shoot in the cades and then if it goes bad start kiting and save the team

In the end they are both part of the game and have different things that they are for
Tho some of them are also the same
The biggest differences for me are: Pavise able to save the team if there's no other shielder and the aiming time - you can shoot as fast as you can place the crosshair on the target. The latter extremely useful when facing the most dangerous enemy ranged untis (e.g. Ballistamen). Otherwise archers are more deadly class thank to the speed and a kiteable one.

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