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Respect for other people and their enjoyment of the game.
I was in a run tonight where a group of four people on the server disrespected their fellow players by carrying on an argument regarding something petty and stupid over several maps; all resulting in wipes in single digit waves.  The topic of their argument is not important and not the subject of my post, so I won't go into it, and I won't name those involved.  The argument did not involve vulgar comments and there was no sort of abusive or hostile language, so I don't think it warrants some sort of official "report", but it was absolutely distracting to those not involved in the argument.  Beyond that, those that were involved in the argument were too busy typing to play the game effectively and certainly not up to the level  required to win a run. 

     In short, here is my point..  If you are going to play the game, then play the game.  If you want to engage in an argument of that type, then leave the server and take it to a chat room.  The rest of us do not want to listen to your bickering.  From my own perspective, I just want to play the game and work with a team to win runs... and hopefully loot something.   But when four out of twelve people on a server are too busy bickering over trivial bull crap then they are disrespecting the time of everyone else on the server when we wipe repeatedly.  Yes, there may be other factors involved in the wipes, but having such commotion in the background certainly does not help and does definitely impede any sort of team cohesion and organization.

     Have some respect for the time of other people playing the game.  Put on your big boy pants and let it go.  Insisting that someone admit they were wrong about something when it is apparent they have no intention to do so is inane.  Carrying on about it for almost two hours while playing on a Rag server is disrespectful of others who just want to win the run and not listen to your petty arguments.  If it were a Normal run or perhaps even a Hard, we could have easily won and no problem... but when it is a Rag server and people have some expectation that the team is focused and wanting to win, then the behavior you exhibited is infantile, inconsiderate, and disrespectful.

Nuff said. If those involved feel the urge to reply and justify their actions, don't bother.  I won't be engaging in that sort of petty argument.
I'm glad somebody has acknowledged this. It can be all fun and banter, but when it results in the sudden end of a good run it's time to end it. I don't care what the issues were, but it was annoying to witness and all the hostility (over the differentiation of 'your' and 'you're' mind you, lol) had me eventually leaving the server.
Yeah , I was involved and no this didn't stop me from playing the game , think before you post.
(21-02-2018, 10:51 AM)Princess Wrote: Yeah , I was involved and no this didn't stop me from playing the game , think before you post.

oh you are the special little snowflake people are talking about? my god this is actually hilarious, you were part of the arguement, yet you say that didnt impede your effectiveness in playing, from this i assume thats because you normally contribute so little that you cant feel the difference? the thread's op quite literally said that he wouldnt respond, i will happily do it tho, because i do myself enjoy when people who are acting like arses, gets their jimmies rustled when they hear the truth, so to sum up your pretty useless post, and make fun of you.

get a grip, stop being worthless ingame, and stop acting like some shitty german back when we used to leave servers just because of their mere presence, you are making yourself look even more incompetent than EA's head of consumer strategy, now begone and dont post a snappy comeback unless its something thats actually usefull, which again isnt likely to happen with your previous history.
(21-02-2018, 11:29 AM)Tjav Wrote: you are making yourself look even more incompetent than EA's head of consumer strategy

woah, there's a line and you crossed it.
[Image: b8ecae23634dacfd46af0f9d4412ff1d.png]
Unfortunately some people are like this in game and some others dont know what Irony is and type things without thinking. Who that is I will leave up to you
A loot a year keeps the interested here

I do maps btw lol
" you are making yourself look even more incompetent than EA's head of consumer"

Hahaha I give this post 1 like.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Hey ; - )

[Image: Geralt]
you're all just really soft.. smh this is the internet. If you cannot take a bit of banter and arguing then quit or mute chat completely. It's a game in the end. Don't overstate it.
(21-02-2018, 02:23 PM)Skan Wrote: you're all just really soft.. smh this is the internet. If you cannot take a bit of banter and arguing then quit or mute chat completely. It's a game in the end. Don't overstate it.

I don't think that's the point of this thread. OP was just frustrated about wipes because people were "bantering" instead of playing.
Hey ; - )

[Image: Geralt]

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