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1.9.4 Client Release
Hello NI community,

This patch continues cleaning up item progression and features a complete rework and rebalance of hoplite spears and zweihander sword secondary modes.  Hoplite spears are now much longer and have had certain item flags changed to make them much more pleasant to use and reduce how often the spears will bounce due to odd speed bonus multipliers.  Zweihander sword secondary modes no longer remove length (which led to negative ghost reach) and can no longer swing, but now do high amounts of pierce damage for taking down armored foes.  In addition, alternate mode indicators have been added for polearms that can swap to a stabbing or crush through mode.

Item Changes:
  • Harbinger bastard mode fixed
  • Dragon Halberd -3c, +9p, +2spd
  • Mangler -.5 weight
  • Cursed Mangler +1p, -.25 weight
  • Aegis Shield +100hp, +1 armor
  • Alternate mode indicators added for polearms with alternate modes
  • Hoplite spears reworked
  • Zweihander secondary modes reworked
  • Ancient Greatsword +1spd
  • Durendal +1c
  • Schlachtschwerter +5c, +2p, -2spd, +1.25 weight
  • Talhoffer -2spd, -2c, -2p
  • Headtaker -2spd, -3c
  • Forlorn Hope -3c, -3p, -1spd
  • Bidenhander -3c, -2p
  • Runic Greatsword -3c, -3p
  • Legacy -1c, -.5 weight, +1spd
Other Changes:
  • Players can no longer vote to skip Prep Time while Wraiths are alive
Scene Updates:
  • Fortress Under Siege (barriers, new beer barrel)
  • Graubergen (barriers)
  • King's Castleyard (removed unusable interactive props)
  • King's Reach (new surgeon table)
  • Nordic Village (fixed glitchy flooring, other minor adjustments)
  • Praven (entry points, barriers, new surgeon table)
  • Swadian Great Hall (entry points)
  • Swadian Old Village (fixed platforms)
  • Swadian Outskirts (barrier)
  • Swadian Temple (ai pathing, adjustment to mountaintop fortifications)
First. Ree.
(25-03-2018, 03:14 AM)Winter Wrote: [*]Alternate mode indicators added for polearms with alternate modes

This didn't work for me with Cursed Mangler.
Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

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"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
(25-03-2018, 03:14 AM)Winter Wrote:
  • Players can no longer vote to skip Prep Time while Wraiths are alive

That's no fun

(25-03-2018, 03:35 AM)Malong Wrote:
(25-03-2018, 03:14 AM)Winter Wrote:
  • Alternate mode indicators added for polearms with alternate modes

This didn't work for me with Cursed Mangler.

Awakened legendary items were missed in this update.  They will be added with the next one.
MP - Warden - Sentinel - Zwei - Pavise - RG - Halbradier

Steam  Legendaries

Feel free to add on steam for trades.
With the new changes to Jormungandr my Juggernaut is now useless. Thanks Winter.
(25-03-2018, 05:16 AM)Irolltwenties Wrote: With the new changes to Jormungandr my Juggernaut is now useless. Thanks Winter.

Your Juggernaut was already useless in the first place
Talhoffer -1 weight, -2spd, -2c, -2p   
weight didn't change as it say

Forlorn Hope -3c, -4p  
It also got -1 speed that's not listed and it got only -3p not 4 as it says
[Image: dpcfmq0qegd53mozg.jpg]
Loki Kills: 365
Thor Kills: 333
Odin Kills: 263
Prince Kills: 404
King Ragnar Kills: 258

House Crafting: Support 39, Defender 33, Attacker 30
  Alchemist: Lvl 36
Blacksmith: Lvl 21
Armorsmith: Lvl 32
• Hoplite spears reworked

changed from:

Weight 3.0
Speed Rating 97 (105 in 1h mode)
Weapon Length 132
Swing Damage 60 (66 in 1h)
Thrust Damage 60 (66 in 1h)

Weight 0.5
Speed Rating 101 (107 in 1h)
Weapon Length 180
Swing Damage 55 (60 in 1h)
Thrust Damage 55 (60 in 1h)

In short -5/-6c, +4/+2spd, -2.5 weight, +48 length

2h mode not useable anymore in with a shield

Tried stabbing king ragnar in the legs in 1h mode and it just bounced off, but that might have to do something with momentum in this game since I wasn't running towards him while stabbing.
Gothic Greaves   05.03.2017
Heavy Sallet       21.03.2017
Wulfsbane          07.12.2019
Ebonwood Pike   08.12.2019

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