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Assist bonus for healing.
I was thinking about something that would entice people to heal rather than to idle or leech. If you happen to be in a run where the majority is either the same class as you or you cant really get into the thick of the action but still want to contribute.

To my knowledge there is no assist or benefit of any kind (apart from healing teammates) so i thought, why not make it more rewarding?

If there were a basic lump sum of assist Points per heal, then it would surely make people heal more often. Currently, it's an unappriciated job, and one without payoff to boot. Why bother healing when it wont help you progress?

What do you Think?
"Warriors of the World" x2 Ragnar x1 Prince 1x Loki
Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

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(11-05-2018, 02:46 PM)Malong Wrote:

My bad. Should have looked Before i jumped, no?
"Warriors of the World" x2 Ragnar x1 Prince 1x Loki
This will never happen with healing as it is now.

There are other changes planned for support items.

Thank you for your suggestion.

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