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Just a thought I had, wouldn't it be a lot better if rather than writing out messages in-game, public players were able to select a voice command from a menu?
For example at the moment people just have to sort of guess when to heal people with med packs since they are too busy to type for medical attention, when if they just had a hotkey to call for a medic or something it could make it a lot easier for players to work together. Could also be applied for requesting barricades or ammo etc.
Was just a thought.
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nice idea i support this, it would be very usefull!
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Hotkey is a nice idea, but voice commands? ???
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I guess what I meant to say was a hotkey that when pressed would make sound of someone calling for a medic and also a message appearing on screen; but just a message would suffice.
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if this was to be implemented then some kind of spam system would also be nice, half my screens already filled with exp and gold income dont want the other half fill with MEDIC!!
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Yeah maybe a cool down period after use, so people don't spam.
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Would be interesting, I enjoy it in crpg.... maybe a little too much
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Ah like that, the voice would be awesome but someone would have to make a file for it first.
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Let's take replies from Warcraft 3

For Horde!!!!!Lok tar ogar!!!
Like this idea.
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How about just use the command thing cRPG uses QQF