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WTK Bronze arrows
Price or how to obtain if dropped
(10-03-2019, 08:51 AM)roderick Wrote: Price or how to obtain if dropped

I think they are around 400 or 500K.
I bought them for 90k last week.
Guess who's back?
Bronze Arrows are craftable not dropped by bots. Materials to craft them are around 300k
atm. At the Auction Hall you might be lucky and get them for 200~300k.
"Dedicated Nord Farmer"

Legendary Loots:
28.04.18 Royal Helmet
04.11.18 Leather Overmail
26.12.18 Severance
04.03.19 Aurora Blade
07.03.19 Illustrious
08.04.19 Sun Glaive
05.10.19 Severance
I may craft them for you if you‘re interested in craftimg them.
These mats are necessary;

10 x Normal Candle (0 / 10)
40 x Hardened Metal (0 / 40)
60 x Sturdy Wood (0 / 60)
20 x Bronze Arrowhead (0 / 20)
20 x Raven Feather (0 / 20)
20 x Blade Shard (0 / 20)
20 x Flemish String (0 / 20)
10 x Oil (0 / 10)
[Image: wQXN2eq.png]

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