28-07-2012, 03:06 PM
Nice work! i have to pull the other VLKA`s to this thread

Wusel @ Omnia
Prelude: A novel based upon the MOD "Nord Invasion" PG 13 + (adult content)
28-07-2012, 06:29 PM
Name: Having worked as a henchman for many evil nations she eventually grew fed up with the gender stereotype. She is no man, she is Henchgirl.
Class: Longbow(girl) Gear: Longbow, khergit arrows, one handed battle axe, black leather jerkin, and black hood Age:28 Gender: Female Personality: Trained as a bounty hunter by her father, she knows no mercy and no fear. Loyal to anyone with money, she will kill almost anyone. Extremely good with her bow, she takes out any target from afar and is a monster with her axe. Sweet until she chops your head off.
28-07-2012, 08:28 PM
very nice writing, I NEED MOAR! PLEASE CONTINUE!! ;D (btw its spelled "Wolfsblood" ot Wolf's blood) just a small edit.
PEW PEW!!!! PEW PEW PEW!!!!!!!
PK_Wolfsblood: Prince kills 2 , thor kills 1 PK_Wolfsfang: thor kills 1 PK_Wolfsclaw: prince kills 2, Thor kills 1, odin kills 1 PK_Wolfman: prince kills 1
29-07-2012, 01:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 30-07-2012, 12:18 PM by Shaman Oren of Staghelm.)
*warning, depressing death scene ahead*
Sacrifice... Rain beat down heavily upon the man named wolf’s blood, rushing down from scowling dark skies. The clash of lightning and drumming of thunder was made further unnerving by roll of the fogs, coming up from the marshes at his feet. The trees around him twisted and gnarled in a visage of horrific disfigurement. As he walked forward, Wolf'sblood could smell the rot of the swamp, wet cold water rushed over his feet as he looked through the icy rain that now cascaded through the tree tops, splashing and thudding over his gear. Cold wind continually howled through the swamp, an eery testament to the name of this place... Fens of the werewolf... He looked down, noticing a sprig of wolfs bane and laughed with a sick sense of humor. After staring at the dark blossom for a moment he lifted his eyes to the heavens. Rain washed over his long hair, dripped from his beard, cooled his darkening mind. “Ironic... that this flower would usher in my doom...” He spoke as he stood in a pool of murky water. The swamps had extended for miles around him, veiled in mists and darkness. Wind's howled and strange animals lurked just outside of the dim moonlight. This place was truly evil, haunting, drowning to the hero’s mind. “Welcome me Fathers... I'm coming home.” Wolf blood continued to talk to himself and calm his edgy nerves. It had been quite some time since his prey had made herself known, quite sometime since his hunter bared her jaws... His situation was grim, separated from the armies as they marched with fire into Nordic lands. Their caravan was attacked and he had charged his horse after the archer; her arrow having barely wounded the Jarl His eyes were dark, eyes focused as he pursued the lone assassin, he could smell her, her feminine scent discernible, a note-able trail in the cold ground. Thus over foothills and ravines he pursued her till he came to the coastal marshes near the Nordic sea. The rains had come a day before and these flood swamps were filling with icy and murky run off. His horse was not able to penetrate past the treeline and he had proceeded in on foot, catching scent and flashing glimpse of his mark. She was tall, wore a hunters fur, black leather and a black hood. Her bow was of fine yew; and she kept a keen axe at her side. She truly had the look of a mercenary. Through deep pools of icy water, over tufts of mossy slop, between twisting trees he journeyed. His was was dark and blotted by fog and rain. Within four days he was lost and had not a hope of finding his way home. Thus he sang to his God's. He welcomed their presence as he knew that he would die in this swamp, it would be his icy tomb. Morning came on his fifth day, he awoke under his furs, smelling the soppy and moss burdened ice water; the feel of wolfs fur was welcome to his cold skin. He ran a hand through his sweaty hair, scratched his beard and wiggled his frozen toes in an attempt to warm his feet. Slowly he rose to his feet; he was hungry, thirsty, sick from the swamp's fever. Cold muscles were stiff and unwilling to continue. Yet still he gathered his unique blade and bow. “I will die today” He rose and forged on to this anthem. As he peered about the blackness surrounding him he thought of his wife and daughter. Their radiant faces and beautiful blue eyes as ocean waves. “Soon... soon my love” He spoke to the darkness now laughing at his face. Kneeling down into the murk he picked a bloom of wolf's bane and placed it in his hair. “Know your mark hunter...” he said aloud as he drew his bow. He knew she was watching and began taking shot after shot into the cloak of shadows that played tricks on his mind. With a swimming mind he continued to attack a foe who watched quietly from above. Her scent was everywhere, he felt surrounded, overwhelmed... She watched him as he staggered about; he had succumb to the fever... this was no honorable kill. Wolf's blood fell to his knees and looked down into the pool of water around his waist. He felt a warm, soft hand touch his face. “Valerie... my love... take me home” He pleaded into the blackness, seeing the blonde curls and rosy lips he had once loved. Weeping quietly he leaned into his love, wrapping his arms around her. Bitter tears ran from dry eyes onto the black leather of the mercenary woman as she held him in her arms, his body weak and defeated by the dark marshes. “Come home to me my love...” She whispered as her dagger found his heart. Thus amidst dark rain and frozen marshes, Wolf’s Blood found his fate in the arms of an assassin. There she remained holding him, stroking hair from his lifeless face as rain and fog held them in their morbid arms. Rising slowly and calmly the woman let him go. Watching as his body was taken by the Marsh, sinking into the mud and water. Her target had lived... her work was not done. So forward she continued to the enemy camp; the woman known as “Hench-Girl”.
29-07-2012, 07:46 PM
Very nice writing... I'd say Wolf needs to die though. :
Just got out of prison after attacking a man on New years eve. Excuse me for getting nervous while an Arab was counting down from ten.
What's the difference between a black and a white fairy tale? White begins, "once upon a time," black begins, "y'all motherf*ckers ain't gonna believe dis shit!"
29-07-2012, 09:43 PM
This is GREAT!!
![]() (29-07-2012, 07:46 PM)Holo Steel link Wrote: Very nice writing... I'd say Wolf needs to die though. : I agree ![]()
Anyone wanna craft my Bear armor..?
29-07-2012, 09:45 PM
you guys suck >
PEW PEW!!!! PEW PEW PEW!!!!!!!
PK_Wolfsblood: Prince kills 2 , thor kills 1 PK_Wolfsfang: thor kills 1 PK_Wolfsclaw: prince kills 2, Thor kills 1, odin kills 1 PK_Wolfman: prince kills 1
This idea if bloody amazing.
I would be honored to be included in the novel. Here is my info: Class: Commando / formerly a swadian knight Gear: Trans armor with a Sugarloaf helmet, making good use of my golden Royal Shield. Chosing equipment which reminds me of the "glory days" spent astride a swadian charger. Age: 41, a bit of a veteran, Tari is. Gender: Male (full beard included..) House: Tarimoth leads the house of Clan Cameron. Our keep used to rest upon the northern shorelines of Swadia, but was razed to the ground by the initial waves of nords, commanded by a nordic Warlord. My character's affection for his house is all that keeps him fighting these days - and he will do anything to ensure they prosper. Personality: Slightly withdrawn, strict, diciplined, military behavior. Below the surface rests a burning hatred for the nords who were the cause of the death of his children. Misses his days as a knight. Misses his old bed, which got burned to ashes (sad but true, I know...). In general, Tarimoth has learned to become somewhat of a leading figure, and will most likely attempt to take command if the situation demands it. Requested Role: Completely and utterly up to the author. I only ask that my character isn't spared in any way. I would honestly prefer if he died. Give the story more purpose, but that's just my opinion. On a side note: This is freaking awesome, I hope to see my guy in your novel. Thank you for trying this out!
Name: Pollypo
Class: Commando Gear: Black hair that covers his forehead, brown eyes, rough dark skin, 5'10" and 180 lb. Orange transitional armour with a visored sallet, Swadian kite shield, steel sword and a couple legendary weapons: The eastern katana and twigs of yggdrasil. Age: 33 Gender: Male House: Clan cameron sergeant and long time loyalist. Standing by the house and Tarimoth through thick and thin. Personality: A disciplined soldier with a very smug side due to being in the right place, right time and getting to find two legendary weapons; The Eastern Katana was obtained in bargain trade with his old Sun Pike and the Twigs of Yggdrasil after a battle against all odds walking towards a broken branch feeling it's warmth and awe consuming power. Requested Literic Role: Do what you will with my smug and very lucky character! |
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