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Clan Castles
Imagine, friends your clan has a castle (map) and castle is changeable. (decoration etc) Defence from bots. Harder than other mods(Ragnarok-Hard-Normal). Wave limit 0-30. Last wave boss is Odin-Thor-Ragnar(maybe prince why not? Xd). More loots maybe castle rank? If this idea integrated into to NI thats gonna make a competive place. And this idea not hardest to make. just make a map (clans have to make a map) maybe new bots? And a little system. Maybe player limit can be 0/20? I hope NI community like this idea. And There is no competive mode for Clans. If Developer Team like this idea. i will work for this idea. Its really cool idea. Brings new air for NI. And useable for NI.
Loots : 20

I like it Wink would be something new here ^^
Legendary Loots:  Fang of Fenrir 10/2015
                          Wulfbane   8/2018
                          TSA 8/2018
                          Imperial Red 9/2018
                          Hurican Bow 9/2018
                          Sun Pike 10/2018
if you need something to be craftet just PM me or steam me Big Grin
last wave has jotne spears throwing maniacs (each spear has a siege master boom bolt effect) So peek only with caution or half team is wiped
For it to be worth it there would have to be different set castle looks/styles then multiple versions of the same castle to accomodate for your suggested purchasable aesthetics but also there would have to be dedicated servers for every house that makes one.

Additionally if you play on that castle there will be more likely one more defendable than another which just may inherently cause everyone to pick the same castle and not the others.
A loot a year keeps the interested here

I do maps btw lol

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