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[Closed] House Crafting Broken?
Maybe it's just me, but when I click on a recipe in house crafting it only displays my list of mats rather than the actual recipe and there is no craft button to be found.
RFTA:3, RFTA2:2, Loots:84, Upgraded Legendaries:30
[Image: ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett...rbox=false]
yep broken. plus gilded bear has been removed from the upgrade list grrrr
Loots: 30
Thanks for the report. Looking in to it now.

RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024

Slowly being bled dry by NI... Please help me and donate!
Hi all, issue resolved.


RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024

Slowly being bled dry by NI... Please help me and donate!

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