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First successful solo rag run by a CN player
Let the boy win his spurs!!!
Dex aie hon hon
My Steam

恭喜 G!!
Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

Quote Board is on Discord (last updated 2025.03.03)
"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
normal → hard → cav → 
looking back on my NI career since 2019,I still remember how excited I was after my frist solo normal run, but with the CN fellows who were already capable of solo hard runs such as Fantasy, Guard, Tyler and Aslan, as well as the fact that Norris and SYY had overpowered Odin on their own, I was truly motivated to conquer the most challenging mode in this game by myself. And today is the day I finally made it! 
Mighty as the Norse gods may be, I emerged victorious under their pressure, the amount of which is, in fact, insignificant to me. Smile Now, speaking as the second CN player to ever finish a solo rag run, I find it necessary to list below the gear I used during the run as reference for other challengers.
Battle Hardened Plate Over LeatherCoif
Griffon Bascinet
Blessed Noble Steel Gauntlets
Swadian Boots
Blessed Excalibur
Phoenix Shield
Cursed Malice
Field Medic Box
First defence
I wanna say thank you to the CN community for such great atmosphere, which has enabled me to achieve today's success. Let's work together to build a CN family! 
And shoutout to my G PCK for watching. Credit goes to you as well! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
(29-06-2024, 01:26 PM)Moonlight Wrote: [剧透=截图]
 <br />normal → hard → cav → looking back on my NI career since 2019,  I still remember how excited I was after my first solo normal run, but with the CN fellows who were already capable of solo hard runs such as Fantasy, Guard, Tyler and Aslan, as well as the fact that Norris and SYY had overpowered Odin on their own, I was truly motivated to conquer the most challenging mode in this game by myself. And today is the day I finally made it! 
<br />
1 x Blessed Excalibur[Image: excalibur_new.png][Image: asfalt-light.png]1 x Griffon Bascinet
       [Image: terath_helmet3.png]
1 x Phoenix Shield
                                                              [Image: phoenix_shield.png]
[Image: asfalt-light.png]1 x Battle Hardened Plate Over Leather
              [Image: brego_cuir_bouilli.png]
1 x Blessed Noble Steel Gauntlets
     [Image: finger_gauntlets_L.png]
1 x Cursed Malice
                                           [Image: disco_throwing_axe.png]
[Image: asfalt-light.png]1 x Swadian Boots
[Image: swadianboots.png]

First defence
I wanna say thank you to the CN community for such great atmosphere, which has enabled me to achieve today's success. Let's work together to build a CN family! [img]file:///C:\Users\86180\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\QQTempSys\QBHO~D%B_59OH5TDLN0$I5X.png[/img][img]file:///C:\Users\86180\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\QQTempSys\QBHO~D%B_59OH5TDLN0$I5X.png[/img][img]file:///C:\Users\86180\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\QQTempSys\QBHO~D%B_59OH5TDLN0$I5X.png[/img][img]file:///C:\Users\86180\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\QQTempSys\QBHO~D%B_59OH5TDLN0$I5X.png[/img]

And shoutout to my G PCK for watching. Credit goes to you as well! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Congratulations to you as well, well done!
Would be a shame to put a single Durendal as a loot history...
(ignoring the Ebonwood Pike)
(ignoring the Gloves of Vidar)
(ignoring the Rupturers)
(ignoring the Sun Glaive)
(ignoring the Thunder Pike)
(ignoring the Rending Bolts)

Completed Solo Runs: Beginner, Normal, Hard, Cavalry, Ragnarok All Of Them
(29-06-2024, 01:26 PM)Moonlight Wrote:
And shoutout to my G PCK for watching. Credit goes to you as well! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Yo G. The best part finna be when Odin be makin' yo Fubu heavy and you still be jumpin' off the balcony with dem Air Jordans.

Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

Quote Board is on Discord (last updated 2025.03.03)
"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
(29-06-2024, 01:26 PM)Moonlight Wrote: [video=dailymotion]
 <br />normal → hard → cav → looking back on my NI career since 2019,  I still remember how excited I was after my frist solo normal run, but with the CN fellows who were already capable of solo hard runs such as Fantasy, Guard, Tyler and Aslan, as well as the fact that Norris and SYY had overpowered Odin on their own, I was truly motivated to conquer the most challenging mode in this game by myself. And today is the day I finally made it! 
<br />
Battle Hardened Plate Over LeatherCoif
Griffon Bascinet
Blessed Noble Steel Gauntlets
Swadian Boots
Blessed Excalibur
Phoenix Shield
Cursed Malice
Field Medic Box
First defence
I wanna say thank you to the CN community for such great atmosphere, which has enabled me to achieve today's success. Let's work together to build a CN family! 
And shoutout to my G PCK for watching. Credit goes to you as well! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

nice job xp
[Keep updated]Appearance Mod for Upgraded Legendaries
Dragon's Treasure
Defense:China Lv40
Attack:China Attack Lv40
Support:China Support Lv40

(29-06-2024, 01:39 PM)Hamsterino Wrote:
(29-06-2024, 01:26 PM)Moonlight Wrote: [剧透=截图]
 <br />normal → hard → cav → looking back on my NI career since 2019,  I still remember how excited I was after my first solo normal run, but with the CN fellows who were already capable of solo hard runs such as Fantasy, Guard, Tyler and Aslan, as well as the fact that Norris and SYY had overpowered Odin on their own, I was truly motivated to conquer the most challenging mode in this game by myself. And today is the day I finally made it! 
<br />
1 x Blessed Excalibur[Image: excalibur_new.png][Image: asfalt-light.png]1 x Griffon Bascinet
       [Image: terath_helmet3.png]
1 x Phoenix Shield
                                                              [Image: phoenix_shield.png]
[Image: asfalt-light.png]1 x Battle Hardened Plate Over Leather
              [Image: brego_cuir_bouilli.png]
1 x Blessed Noble Steel Gauntlets
     [Image: finger_gauntlets_L.png]
1 x Cursed Malice
                                           [Image: disco_throwing_axe.png]
[Image: asfalt-light.png]1 x Swadian Boots
[Image: swadianboots.png]

First defence
I wanna say thank you to the CN community for such great atmosphere, which has enabled me to achieve today's success. Let's work together to build a CN family! [img]file:///C:\Users\86180\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\QQTempSys\QBHO~D%B_59OH5TDLN0$I5X.png[/img][img]file:///C:\Users\86180\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\QQTempSys\QBHO~D%B_59OH5TDLN0$I5X.png[/img][img]file:///C:\Users\86180\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\QQTempSys\QBHO~D%B_59OH5TDLN0$I5X.png[/img][img]file:///C:\Users\86180\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\QQTempSys\QBHO~D%B_59OH5TDLN0$I5X.png[/img]

And shoutout to my G PCK for watching. Credit goes to you as well! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Congratulations to you as well, well done!
My Loots: 27
My Shop
(29-06-2024, 02:06 PM)马龙 Wrote:
(29-06-2024, 01:26 PM)月光 Wrote:
对着我的G PCK大喊看。这也归功于你!Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

yo g . finna最好的部分是当Odin使你变重的时候,你仍然穿着dem Air Jordans从阳台上跳下来。


[Image: e7daec90-47d2-11ea-bf6e-224108b92775]

lol,Wonderful moment, Thank u for being there Smile

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