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RE: The Great Map Poll
Hey everyone!

Wanted to reach out the the whole community to get some feedback on maps.
I know this is something that myself, Julia, and Dragonfire have all Made posts and talked about at length but i felt it worthwhile to make a full list/rating sheet for anyone who wants to give ratings and feedback on current maps.

The Feedback Form:

The questions have 2 parts for each map. 

First is a rating of 1-10 with 1,2 being a bad map that should be removed, 3-5 maps needing large scale reworks or overhauls, 6-8 being good maps with minor edits or small reworks of particular parts, 9-10 being good maps that need little to no change.

Second is a feedback section to explain why a rating was given, issues or good parts of the maps, and change suggestions should you have an idea or change youd like to see.

All questions are optional, so if you see a map name that you dont recognize or dont really have strong feelings towards, feel free to not answer for these maps

I ask that people only submit 1 full response to try and keep everything easily readable on the back end.

If you have any questions or you have any additional feedback feel free to post here, or PM me here, on steam, or on discord.
Map Thread

Message me on discord or steam from NA server issues
Here are the Final Average Ratings for the maps:

Costal Raid: 4.5
Caravan Ambush: 6.5
First Defence: 6
Forest Outpost: 4.9
Forgotten Bay: 5.8
Fortress Outskirts: 5.1
Fortress Under Siege: 3.4
Frosthaven: 6.1
Graubergen: 7.4
Handes Retreat: 7.4
Hidden Cave: 5.6
Hidden Farm: 2.9
Hypers Castle: 5.6
Hypers Hell: 7.5
Keancuopp Forest: 6.2
King of the Hill: 4.9
Kings Castleyard: 7.8
Kings Reach: 2.7
Lake Town: 4.3
Mountain Pass: 2.6
Nordic Fortress: 5.9
Nordic Village: 6.3
Offshore: 7.4
Old Shire: 7.7
Port Assault: 4.5
Praven: 4.5
Royal Observatory: 2.7
Snuz Cavern: 5.3
Swadian Castle: 3.3
Swadian Citadel: 5.8
Swadian City: 6.6
Swadian Folly: 8.6
Swadian Greathall: 8
Swadian Lighthouse: 4.3
Swadian Mines: 4.7
Swadian Old Village: 7
Swadian Outskirts: 7.5
Swadian Overgrown: 7.2
Swadian Temple: 6.9
Swadian Town: 4.3
Traders Valley: 6.6
Map Thread

Message me on discord or steam from NA server issues
That's a nice idea. Thanks for bringing this forward to us Cool
Lvl 52 Master Peltast (DB_Julianature); Lvl 52 Warden (DB_Wardenature); Lvl 52 Chosen Marksman (DB_Doctornature); Lvl 52 Royal Guard (DB_Guardinature); Lvl 52 Ranger (DB_Wildnature)

Legendary drops:

06.07.2016 Griffon Bascinet
09.05.2018 Griffon Bascinet
29.11.2024 Leviathan's Treads
08.12.2024 Defiance
11.12.2024 Dellingr's Hands
26.12.2024 Scorn
01.02.2025 Mnjonjo
Thanks Midren really good idea!
I filled the thing out, but forgot to mention that Fortress Under Seige needs an accessible shrine.
Average Map ratings are posted. Feedback not shared as to not reveal who gave what ratings individually
Map Thread

Message me on discord or steam from NA server issues
Seems about right.
MP - Warden - Sentinel - Zwei - Pavise - RG - Halbradier

Steam  Legendaries

Feel free to add on steam for trades.
(05-01-2025, 12:57 AM)Midren Wrote: Average Map ratings are posted. Feedback not shared as to not reveal who gave what ratings individually

Which unhinged people didn’t give Hyper’s Hell 10?
Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

Quote Board is on Discord (last updated 2025.03.03)
"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
Sir, please could you remove Swadian Night Raid from cavalry map pool thanks appreciated.
Loots : 20

Mountain Pass should be removed.
"WS is full of scrubs like Thunder" Eyleen
"It was a hot day and i was annoyed " Lord Montagu 
"You can buy 2 Twigs for one Valsgarde" Managarm
"Banterin stop killing you are making my score look stupid" Qrvishion
"Wait arent you PCK? lol" VLKA_Julia

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