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House Restructuring
(26-02-2025, 12:27 AM)Malong Wrote: Thanks G!

(25-02-2025, 10:41 PM)Winter Wrote: House Crafting
  • Captains can now use the House Crafting system to further increase the strength of the faction.
  • Captain House Crafting will need to be separately leveled from the Leader's, allowing for a single House to level all three House Crafting professions.
  • Leader characters already in a House can leave their current House and regain access to their House Crafting upon being promoted to Leader or Captain in a new House.

Please note that with this change, leaving a House on a Captain character and selecting a new Leader that is not the current Leader will bug your House and cause Leaders and Captains to be unable to leave until a Developer can fix it. Do not leave your House and select a new Leader on Captain characters.

This implies that house crafting is tied to a character and not the house. Is it possible for a leader of a dedicated housecrafting house to leave that house (Foo), join another house (Bar), become a captain of Bar, and retain the housecrafting level of the previous house Foo?

I was just as confused as you but came back to find out all vlka house crafting has been put into 1 house vs the 3 I set it as

If you leave as leader you can promote anyone in the house as leader so ye it's on the id not the house who knew
(26-02-2025, 12:27 AM)Malong Wrote: Thanks G!

(25-02-2025, 10:41 PM)Winter Wrote: House Crafting
  • Captains can now use the House Crafting system to further increase the strength of the faction.
  • Captain House Crafting will need to be separately leveled from the Leader's, allowing for a single House to level all three House Crafting professions.
  • Leader characters already in a House can leave their current House and regain access to their House Crafting upon being promoted to Leader or Captain in a new House.

Please note that with this change, leaving a House on a Captain character and selecting a new Leader that is not the current Leader will bug your House and cause Leaders and Captains to be unable to leave until a Developer can fix it. Do not leave your House and select a new Leader on Captain characters.

This implies that house crafting is tied to a character and not the house. Is it possible for a leader of a dedicated housecrafting house to leave that house (Foo), join another house (Bar), become a captain of Bar, and retain the housecrafting level of the previous house Foo?

Yes, this is correct.
(26-02-2025, 12:55 AM)Winter Wrote:
(26-02-2025, 12:27 AM)Malong Wrote:
(25-02-2025, 10:41 PM)Winter Wrote: House Crafting
  • Captains can now use the House Crafting system to further increase the strength of the faction.
  • Captain House Crafting will need to be separately leveled from the Leader's, allowing for a single House to level all three House Crafting professions.
  • Leader characters already in a House can leave their current House and regain access to their House Crafting upon being promoted to Leader or Captain in a new House.

Please note that with this change, leaving a House on a Captain character and selecting a new Leader that is not the current Leader will bug your House and cause Leaders and Captains to be unable to leave until a Developer can fix it. Do not leave your House and select a new Leader on Captain characters.

This implies that house crafting is tied to a character and not the house. Is it possible for a leader of a dedicated housecrafting house to leave that house (Foo), join another house (Bar), become a captain of Bar, and retain the housecrafting level of the previous house Foo?

Yes, this is correct.

This worked for me. Thanks a lot!
Voted Friendliest NordInvasion Player

Quote Board is on Discord (last updated 2025.03.03)
"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Nka: You’re playing it smart, always [using] logic, and they get pissed.
Kaasovic: God, this guy is unbeatable. I feel defeated in every verbal argument we end up in. Good job, Sir.
Odi: Hasn’t [PCK beaten] the game at this point?
(25-02-2025, 10:45 PM)Multizone Wrote: I am happy to be defeated for the first time.

+1 - Thx Big Grin
Lvl 52 Master Peltast (DB_Julianature); Lvl 52 Warden (DB_Wardenature); Lvl 52 Chosen Marksman (DB_Doctornature); Lvl 52 Royal Guard (DB_Guardinature); Lvl 52 Ranger (DB_Wildnature)

Legendary drops:

06.07.2016 Griffon Bascinet
09.05.2018 Griffon Bascinet
29.11.2024 Leviathan's Treads
08.12.2024 Defiance
11.12.2024 Dellingr's Hands
26.12.2024 Scorn
01.02.2025 Mnjonjo
great update, thx
08/15/16 - White Dragon Helmet
08/25/16 - Dragon Axe
10/2/16 - Ornate Crusader Helmet
11/6/16 - Gothic Salet
12/1/16 - Wulfsbane
1/8/17 - Ornate Bascinet
11/19/17 - Legacy
This is awesome, thank you!
Nice, that's a great QoL improvement that's going to make it much easier for everyone to get access to all of the house crafting.
Very appreciated, thanks Winter.
Please avoid overly explicit language in signatures, thanks!

*Multiple quotes from people who didn't like me getting censored* Get over it -Xen

2nd place on the friendliest Nord Invasion player after PCK (2024)

Only player who completed Rise from the Ashes II on 3 classes that don't exist anymore (Marauder/Aventurier/Sentinel).

(Total RftA : 6, RftA II : 5)

(Legendary Loots : 74, Upgraded Legendaries : 37)
damn, i just lost 25k and dissolved 2 houses Smile

very great update Smile

now pls give sentries/zweis swords with reach 200+ pls :3
(26-02-2025, 11:51 AM)Kriegstofu Wrote: damn, i just lost 25k and dissolved 2 houses Smile

very great update Smile

now pls give sentries/zweis swords with reach 200+ pls :3

Do i smell skill issue?
no u - Jean 2021
no u - Jean 2022
no u - Jean 2023
nee jij - Jean 2024
nee u - Jean 2025
no jij - Jean 2025
is it possible to add a recipe to convert firecrackers into legendary dust?

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