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Please take note: This is not a sale but an experiment to establish the price of the VGS. Since there are now Volundrs out amongst the players, I would like to make certain what the price on this, currently the rarest legendary, is.
Do not expect me to sell my Volundr. If you're pissed at me for making a topic here, write your complaint in a PM please, as this topic is reserved for offers and discussion. Feel free to leave your thoughts without making an actual offer. Was not sure where else to post this, so here it is. Under "WTK", which is all I mean by that.
So, what would you offer for my VGS?
Write offers here, not in PM, please.
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I'd offer Polly's maidenhood. ;D
My NI drinking game proposal:
kill last -> do a shot
kill last on spawn wave -> do two shots
tome a wraith -> do a shot
tome three wraiths -> do two shots
barrel the boss -> down the bottle
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My firstborn child ;D
By the way mate I think voloundr has no price to be honest

If I had one I would never never never sell it.
The offer I would make is: Aurora + Sun Pike + Bolt Tosser + Dreaded War Pick.
Something like that.
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Hmm, i'd offer those;
EK, Worm Bane, Fearsome, about 1.5 mil and a steel cutter(pretty much everything i have exept gauntlets

But i think the only equal item to trade with it is another volundr

Attack of the smileys! Beware!
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09-10-2012, 01:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-10-2012, 01:55 PM by Mr_Awesome.)
I'd give my PoK ,DWP, and my legendary Aketon for the VGS.
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09-10-2012, 02:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-10-2012, 02:34 PM by mitvem11.)
eastern katana
trans (orange)
54 x Old Boots
48 x Crooked Stick
805 x Cloth
1039 x Wood
152 x Bent Sword
174 x Metal
3 x Bone Shard
9 x Bone Powder
37 x Leather
10 x Steel
3 x Coal
67 x Shade Ore
1 x Black Steel
33 x Mystic Charm
10 x Sparkly Necklace
87 x Woven Steel
32 x Twisted String
1 x Assorted Ammunition
389 x Worm Root
95 x Hydra Leaf
24 x Spurn Berry
118 x Nem Flower
28 x Antiseptic Cloth
109 x Mixed Glue
1 x Strange Fur
75 x Heavy Cloth
27 x Hardened Metal
203 x Sturdy Wood
3 x Fine Needle
14 x Quality Charcoal
286 x Wolf Teeth Necklace
49 x Bone Dust
7 x Quality Candle
1 x Quality Grindstone
24 x Oil
3 x Dye
1 x Small Lump of Lead
5 x Bear Fur
6 x Raven Feather
6 x Bronze Arrowhead
4 x Sulphur
1 x Water of Hvergelmir
Commando LvL 52-Fearsome-Aurora
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AGS Probably
Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.
2nd Knight forever!
No longer active.
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Twigs and Fiendish I guess.
Start the game already!
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Joined: Apr 2012
Sunpike + fiendish + dragon axe + bronze + bear armor + bear boots.
Tough there are already some better offers out there.