Welcome to...
[Image: ikey2.png]
...the most visited shop on this forum!
Most stuff are sold to buy items for our two favorite classes, Royal Guard and Marauder.
Everything is gone, we gave everything away
Business Closed!!!!
What's HOT!
Simpleton is Hot!!!!
Stuff we're using
[spoiler=We use this stuff, but "everything" is for sale for the right price ofc!
Swadian Gauntlets
Visored Salet
Imperial Armour
Head Crusher
Shield of Kings
Twigs of Yggdrasil
Eastern Full Scale
Rus Helmet
Wall Barricade
Resurrection Tome
Short Heavy Barricade
Field Medic Box
Materials we're interested in
Equipment for sale
[spoiler=Expensive stuff (>1mill)]
395 x Apples
[spoiler=Cheap stuff (<1mill)]
Equipment we're interested in
Crafting services
(If you have all the mats we'd be pleased to help you with your crafting.)
Armorsmith lvl 24
Blacksmith lvl 19
Alchemist lvl 25
Support Housecrafting lvl 10
Pawn shop
Welcome back!
[align=right][Image: greenfeature_100b.jpg]
[Image: ikey2.png]
...the most visited shop on this forum!
Most stuff are sold to buy items for our two favorite classes, Royal Guard and Marauder.
Everything is gone, we gave everything away
Business Closed!!!!
What's HOT!
Simpleton is Hot!!!!
Stuff we're using
[spoiler=We use this stuff, but "everything" is for sale for the right price ofc!

Swadian Gauntlets
Visored Salet
Imperial Armour
Head Crusher
Shield of Kings
Twigs of Yggdrasil
Eastern Full Scale
Rus Helmet
Wall Barricade
Resurrection Tome
Short Heavy Barricade
Field Medic Box
Materials we're interested in
Equipment for sale
[spoiler=Expensive stuff (>1mill)]
395 x Apples
[spoiler=Cheap stuff (<1mill)]
Equipment we're interested in
Crafting services
(If you have all the mats we'd be pleased to help you with your crafting.)
Armorsmith lvl 24
Blacksmith lvl 19
Alchemist lvl 25
Support Housecrafting lvl 10
Pawn shop
Welcome back!
[align=right][Image: greenfeature_100b.jpg]
CC_Sir_Yabu - lvl 52 Wielder of the Rectal Glory
CC_Dr_Yabu - lvl 52 Pokémon
CC_Yabu_the_Hutt - lvl 52 Space Mob Member
CC_Yabudabadoo - lvl 39 Pacifist
CC_Dyabu_Unchained - lvl 10 No Comment
Visit my shop IKEY!
CC_Dr_Yabu - lvl 52 Pokémon
CC_Yabu_the_Hutt - lvl 52 Space Mob Member
CC_Yabudabadoo - lvl 39 Pacifist
CC_Dyabu_Unchained - lvl 10 No Comment
Visit my shop IKEY!