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Houses by House Crafting
Updated, keep those posts coming
- The slaying of a nord is an art -
- All is fair in love, war, and the Auction House -
- Respect is earned -
Lovely switched to attacker
THE_DARK_EMPIRE is working as ATTACKER, get this to your list  Wink
One Ping to rule them all, One Ping to find them,
One Ping to bring them all and in the DARKness bind them!

- words on the one Ping
The Order of the Nobles: Attacker.
Sold my Volundr Great Sword at the 4th of May, 2014.

Steam: Sinister_Soldier

[UK]_UnitedKillerz have went Attacker
SEF switched to Support!
Marvin5762:Legionaire/Trained Rider
Marvin5763:Master Peltast/Novice Rider
Marvin5764:Chosen Marksman

House Crafting Support Lvl 13
Alchemy Lvl 15
Blacksmith Lvl 12

Legendary Loots:/
Player since June 2012
Aegis Attacker lvl 7
Sword of destiny has two edges, one is you, the other is death. A. Sapkowski "The Witcher"
IGN: Aegis_Gwynbleidd, Aegis_Magister, Aegis_Jaskier
Updated. Can the the thread get re-stickied? It seems like a reasonable list for folks to be able to jump to
- The slaying of a nord is an art -
- All is fair in love, war, and the Auction House -
- Respect is earned -
Templar: attacker
/▌ = Mimer
/ \
The colouring system slightly confused me, I hope you don't mind, but I thought that it would be nice to organise the list a little bit better.

Obviously you are going to want people to update their level every so often, so might I suggest having the house leaders make one post that they edit as their house level increases. They put down the name of their house, their chosen house crafting profession, the date and their current level which you can then look at every week and change the topic as such.

House name:
Chosen house crafting: (Attacker/ Defender/ Support)
House Crafting Level:
Last time the post was updated:

|          Defender         
The Scarlet Knights
Knights of Hospitaller
|          Support         

They should all link to the relevant house forum topic= there were 3 that I could not find a topic for:
SEF, ACH, Knights of Hospitaller.

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