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Why can we duplicate items ?
Hey,we have all been playing with the option to equip twice an item even if we have only one.

This seems too easy and unrealistic. In my opinion, we should be able to carry identical weapons only if we have several of these items.

Consequences of this :
Gear would become rarer and more looked-after ingame, (if people can no more equip 3 AGS...)
Greater satisfaction when you craft/buy a new weapon. Since you can't borrow the second boarding axe of your friend, it's better for you you spawn with YOUR own weapon, the one you likeĀ  Smile
Several shielders will have to spawn with a royal and a SKS (unless they do own 2 royal shieds...). So royal shields will become more important (same for SKS in normal mode)
Whenever a player loots a legendary, he gets 1, not 3.
Boosting e.g. alchemy economy : field medic will buy not 1 but easily 2 or 3 medic boxes. Same for shields (SKS...), arrows, throwing weapons...

Don't you agree ?

I'd be for this, except that it'd lead to even more legendary hoarding.
Maybe its programming side?

Also, in your consequences:
A lot of these consequences can be mitigated by tomes.
Royal Shields are already fairly important as it is.
When someone loots a legendary they still only get one. Its not like I can use all three of them at the same time.
And the alchemy econ is cheap because the stuff to make it is cheap and common, not because you can use one in 3 slots. Arrows/throwing weapons can just be refilled to max, so thats not even a long term solution.

I do think that the game does naturally punish you a little if you get too many of one item. 3 Shields? No offensive item. 2 Shields 1 hand? Short range. 3 of one Legendary? No arrows or shield to use it with.

But logically, I do think it makes sense for one item to be one thing, but I don't know how difficult the programming implications would be.
Also on NI TS and IRC.
Commando: [Lemon]
Sniper: SK_LemonAde
Mitigated by tome ? That's right. But I have just seen the topic "Tome" and the discussion. If the next update prevents tomes from spawning as many weapons as you want, what I said makes sense. Resurrection tomes shouldn't duplicate gear either !
Concerning Royal shields, of course royal is currently important. I mean that there would be fewer in game. Difficult to equip 2 shielders with 3 royal each (during a game). So It would be more important to own one, since you can bring 1 more precious royal shield for the team. Moreover, they will have to be watched : don't give one to a newbie/archer/..., don't let it be cracked, etc.

The main point remains that it seems absurd I can buy one item andĀ  equip twice. You have a 'real-time persistent character', the same who appears at the beginning of a game. So why do you have 2 shieds ingame and 1 according to the website ?
I'd love an equipment slot only for Legendaries. That way you have to select which one you wanna bring to the battlefield instaed of spawning with 3 legendaries... just a thought

Wouldn't work.

Just think about armors.
I don't agree with you mate
If we can't bring more than one royal so how can we get to Odin ?
that will make the game so boring
[align=center][Image: cdxj8nk]


Legendary Items

Aurora Blade
Fearsome Knight Helmet
This would only mean even more spamming of tome, which we don't need imo.
[Image: sigasdasd.png]
AW CHEESE! And fuck Worm Banes
(19-01-2013, 08:03 AM)Saladin link Wrote: I don't agree with you mate
If we can't bring more than one royal so how can we get to Odin ?
that will make the game so boring
What you are saying only affects the game's difficulty, something that devs are always juggling with (in each update) ; so as for me, it's not a recevable argument.
The main obstacle is visibly the fact it woud something different... That is quite deplorable, in my opinion. NI is not a role-play where you "unlock" items, enabling you to use them as many times as you want, is it ?
Probably going to leave this as it is.

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