This will be my player shop. In this shop you will find items that I am willing to trade at any given time. However, my item/equipment list is fairly well fleshed out, so I will often turn down good valued deals if they do not align with what I am looking for at the time.
Interested In
- Legendaries
1 x Sun Pike
1 x Wormbane
1 x Thunder Pike
1 x Dragon Axe
- Armour
5 x Christmas Hat
1 x Pikeman's Plated Vest
- Weapons
100 x Apple
10 x Frying Pan
- Support Items
- Materials
100 x Coal
100 x Mixed Glue
100 x Twisted String
100 x Wolf Teeth Necklace
50 x Sparkly Necklace
50 x Mystic Charm
100 x Shade Ore
Interested In
- Legendaries
1 x Dreaded War Pick
1 x Fiendish Bow
1 x Bolt Tosser
- Armour
- Weapons
- Support Items
- Materials
? x Small Lump Of Lead
? x Gold