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WTS: Twigs
So, looking to switch up my LIs, maybe get back into the game. Taking offers for them separately or together. Feel free to PM me or post in the thread with your offers.

Looking for a Trans first and foremost.

[glow=red,2,300]Twigs:[/glow] Dreaded War Pick + Plate Mittens + Swadian Boots + Explosive Barrel + Transitional Armor from Ragnash

Justice + Transitionnal Armor ( Orange ) + Plate boots + Plate mittens + Pikeman's plated vest over mail + Pigface + Worm Bane + some mats ( HM, scales, HC, SW, ... )

[glow=red,2,300]Fiendish:[/glow] Sold for Fearsome and Injustice
Start the game already!
Sun Pike + Pigface for either one, + Wormbane/Swadian Hope/Dragon Axe (pick two) + Trans + Plate Mittens for both?
Aurora Blade(or Sun Pike) + Fearsome Knight Helmet + Explosive Barrel + Swadian Gauntlets + Swadian Boots for Both.
Aurora Blade and 500k for the twigs.
life is short...
Damn wont be using that fiendish anymore lol
Worm Bane +Trans Armour + Dragon Axe  + 40 Sulphur + Barrel + Crossbowmans Emblemed + Swadian Heavy Lammelar + Highlander Claymore + Swadian Hope

Negotiable for both. PM me if you want to work something out.
Seeing as though you have not put my offer in the highest offer list, I will assume you do not like it, and make some adjustments.

Aurora Blade(or Sun Pike) + Fearsome Knight Helmet + Explosive Barrel + Transitional Armor for Both.

I can make changes still, by adding in 2 low-tier legendaries instead of the Fearsome, swapping trans for other stuff. Whatever you want.
Pike of Kings for both?
Fearsome Knight Helmet, Barrel, Injustice for both maybe? Also able to add a bit if you want Smile
For both

Butcher + Bronze Arrows (2x) + Worm Bane + Repeater Crossbow + Transitional Armour Blue + Transitional Armour Orange (or another Blue) + Apsods Legendary Sword of Kokt Torsk

And a Courser plus a Huscarls Round Shield for fortune Wink
Striker strikes again.

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