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Bear Force 2
(29-03-2013, 12:29 AM)WheresmyLiquor link Wrote: i and khmer were killing tons of clones by our selfs may the force be with you all

Yeah me and some awesome dude got like 300+ kills.

I got 310 to 175 or something xD It's so damn fun!
''If Turtle can loot, anybody can.''

Sexual Healer of NI

"He took the pike out of my hands before my body even touched the ground." - Nana
"you can sexually heal me any day" - Xen and Bradapple

25/03/2018 - Shield of Kings
11/10/2018 - Imperial Halfplate - Red
Just spent all day playing this mod, got me bloody hooked

I particularly loved the special event where we had all Sith vs all Jedi (40 v 40) now THAT was epic  8)

Oh and spamming Sith lightning in duel servers is a great way to make friends  Wink
VLKA_Tee - Sharpshooter
VLKA_Tea - Royal Guard
VLKA_TeeHee - Master Peltast
VLKA_Killboy - Warden
Yeah, played it for most of a day, then got pretty frustrated with the lightining spam, and the very low athletics.

Other than that, great fun.

Been looking forward to this mod since I found out about it ~2 years ago :O
Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.

2nd Knight forever!

No longer active.
Very fun mod. I'm glad to see more and more people are playing droids and clones now instead of the jedi/sith spam Tongue

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