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NordInvasion Weekly Event #30 - (Sign Up Thread) 5th April
Welcome to the Official Event #30!

This time we have event only on friday and only 1 server.

Sign up below using the format provided Big Grin.

[countdown=4,5,2013,19,00]The event has started.[/countdown]

Event Time - (No longer BST)
19:00 BST (British Summer Time)
20:00 CEST (Central European Time)
21:00 EEST (Eastern European  Time)
11:00 PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
14:00 EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
04:30 CDT (Australian Central Time) [next day]

If you dont know what time zone you are in go here:

We will all gather in a dedicated channel in the Nord Invasion Teamspeak (, 15-20 minutes before the event begins. The password will be given out in TS, when you will all be able to join the server.  (This is required for the event, a microphone however is not unless you wish to be captain)

If you wish to join the event please post the following:

Character Name: 
Server Choice: Either Hard (H) or Normal (N)
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional)

[i]For information about the roles please check this thread

Remember to follow these rules

Depending on the numbers we may need extra Captains so please state if you wish to take the lead - you will be responsible for organising the defences, managing the team and also assigning medals to the players that you think deserve them (again, check the thread mentioned above for more information).

          Shielder (4)         
|        Attacker (1)          
|        Skirmisher (3)         
|              Archer (4)             
|        Sharpshooter (5)         
|        Medic (1)         
|        Engineer (0)         
|        Reserved (12)         

(The [H] or [N] next to the players name indicates Hard or Normal server, Sa or Su will indicate Saturday or Sunday)[i]

Players in [i]italics
are repeated in various roles.

Players with (Capt) next to their name have volunteered to be a Captain

Maps in consideration:

The map will therefore be:
Offshore: 2
Mountain Outpost: 1

Remember, If you perform well in the event, you may earn yourself a medal!

[glow=red,2,300]Please also keep the spam in this thread to a minimum - that means only post if you are signing up or have questions relevant to the event.[/glow]

Discussion Thread
"Deer": i want to go to sleep, but i might wake up and not have a house anymore
"Deer": and CC would have grown
"Deer": i wish people would pay me to do things i dont know how to do
Character Name:  PinkeFleck
Equipment:2xEastern Glaive 1xJarid
Server Choice: Hard
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional)Nop
Character Name: SB_PPP_Stars_X-bow 
Level: 52
Class: 0/2/4/0
Equipment: Arbalest, Onyx Bolts, Stamford, Heavy board shield
Role: Sharpshooter
Server Choice: Hard
Map: Any
Volunteer to be Captain?: Nope

Character Name: SB_PPP_Stars_Archer
Level: 52
Class: 4/0/0/2
Equipment: Sharpshooter bow, Bronze arrows, Worm Bane, Dep shield
Role: Archer

Character Name: SB_PPP_Stars_Pike
Level: 52
Class: 0/2/0/4
Equipment: Twig of yggdrasil, Twig of yggdrasil, Thunder Pike, Dep shield
Role: Skirmisher

Character Name: SB_PPP_Stars_Commando
Level: 52
Class: 0/4/1/1
Equipment: Swadian Hope, swadian kite shield, Medic box, Medic box
Role: Attacker/Healer
Roses are Red, Nuts are brown, Skirts go Up, Pants go Down, Body to Body, Skin to Skin, When it is Stiff, Stick it In, The Longer its In, The stronger it Gets, It goes in Dry, Comes out Wet, It comes out dripping, and it starts to Sag, Its not what you Think …its a Teabag xD
Character Name:  Aegis_Gismo
Level: 52
Class: Sharpshooter heavy infantry
Equipment: Onyx, Repeater, Arbalest
Role: Sharpshooter
Server Choice: Hard
Map: Any
Volunteer to be Captain?:Nope

Character Name:  Aegis_Gismo_II
Level: Pikeman Havy infantry
Class: 52
Equipment: PoK, Twigs, medic box
Role: skirmisher
Character Name:  [uk]_Crossbownana
ClassConfusedharpshooter, heavy inf
Equipment:arbelast, gold bolts, heavy cade
Server Choice: Hard
Volunteer to be Captain?Big Grino i even get a choice anymore?
YunYun "I would do a lot of things to your face"
Yuri "Yes, Yes! Use me!
Takeo  "hey hey, I'm man on trust"
Diamond "I'm not an idiot!"
Hande "it makes you to be my.. son ?"
Kip "Mmm, I love unbuilt cades on stairs"
Rammy "Pls"
Tarrod "should I show you my biceps or wat"
Level 48
Commando, Militia
Morningstar and 2 sks
map doesnt mind,
dont want to be captain
Character Name:  [UK]_DruggedUpTurtle
Level: 51
Class: Sharpshooter
Equipment: Repeater Crossbow, Gold Bolts, Crossed Sharpshooters Mail, Ornate Espada/ Sun Pike
Role: Sharpshooter
Server Choice: Either Hard (H) or Normal (N) Either
Map: Mountain Outpost
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional) No C:
''If Turtle can loot, anybody can.''

Sexual Healer of NI

"He took the pike out of my hands before my body even touched the ground." - Nana
"you can sexually heal me any day" - Xen and Bradapple

25/03/2018 - Shield of Kings
11/10/2018 - Imperial Halfplate - Red
Character Name:  Aegis_Gider
Level: 52
Class: Sniper/Skirmisher
Equipment: Bear Armor, Open Trooper Helmet, Kings Will, Bronze Arrows, Light Highlander Boots, Mail Gauntlets, Barricade
Role: Archer
Server Choice:Hard (H)
Map: Any
Volunteer to be Captain?SadOptional) Nope
Character Name: Nka74
Level: 52
Class: Tier4 Sniper + 2Inf
Equipment: SS Bow, Bronze Arrows, Medic Box
Role: Archer
Server Choice: H
Map: Don't mind any
Volunteer to be Captain?: No
[Image: dpcfmq0qegd53mozg.jpg]
Loki Kills: 365
Thor Kills: 333
Odin Kills: 263
Prince Kills: 404
King Ragnar Kills: 258

House Crafting: Support 39, Defender 33, Attacker 30
  Alchemist: Lvl 36
Blacksmith: Lvl 21
Armorsmith: Lvl 32
Character Name:  ON_Sinister_Archer
Level: 52
Class: Sniper + Heavy Infantry
Equipment: Fiendish Bow + Bronze Arrows + Aurora Blade + Medic Box/Surgeon's Kit
Role: Archer
Server Choice: Either Hard
Map: Fortress Under Siege

Sold my Volundr Great Sword at the 4th of May, 2014.

Steam: Sinister_Soldier

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