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Another new quest idea.
Some players don't bother repeating quests like "Dead at the Top" a hundred times, so this could be an incentive for repeating quests which, by themselves, have paltry rewards. I don't see anything wrong with having something like this. It's a reason to do lower level repeatable quests.
ba da bing ba da BAN! -Hypernoma
Why all these kill quest, why not a quest for:

Real Swadian
-100x Drinking beer
-50x Getting soup
-50x Restore ammo
-50x Repair shield (Mayby remove this becaus snipers, pikemen haven't shields....)
-30x Search (Looking in plant, forgot name..)
-10x Deploy a shield,cade,barrel

Award: 20 Crooked Sticks, 20 Bent Sword and 20 Old boots

Quest idea's without kills but other things??
Good idea?? This give everyone who can't kill or shield, can win things
DB_BlackWarden - DB_BlackPeltast - DB_BlackKnight - DB_BlackPavise
Alchemist 19 - ArmorSmith 22 - BlackSmith 18 - Alchemist 8
I like the quest. And it Call 'Forge' .
FF_Skywalker- Marauder
FF_Skywallker- Warden
FF_Skywalllker- Zweihänder
Hopefully do other people also like it.
I will start new topic for this idea
DB_BlackWarden - DB_BlackPeltast - DB_BlackKnight - DB_BlackPavise
Alchemist 19 - ArmorSmith 22 - BlackSmith 18 - Alchemist 8

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