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WTB:Swadian Kite Shield
Like the subject says I am wanting to buy a swadian kit shield! Post prices below!
can sell you one for 80k
(27-04-2013, 06:20 PM)Orik. link Wrote:can sell you one for 80k
Deal. How do you want to go about trading it? You want to put it in auction hall, or I can ask Gismo to invite you to the same house I'm in so we can trade.
just sen a trading request to ON_Orik_II Wink
(27-04-2013, 07:22 PM)Orik. link Wrote:just sen a trading request to ON_Orik_II Wink
We have to be in the same house to trade. Just put it on the auction hall.
EDIT: I got your trade and I put in 80k waiting for you to put in the Swadian Kite shield.

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