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WTB Copper Bar/Zinc Shard
Hello, I'm looking for 4 Zinc shard and 5 Copper Bar.
I can offer a lot ( moar than YunYun  ;D ) for this.
Money or Mats, it's up to you.

41 x Old Boots + 29 x Crooked Stick + 409 x Cloth + 128 x Leather FOR 1 x Zinc Shard?
I'm not ready to pay more than 100k for one of this.
41 Old boots, 29 crooked stick, 250 cloth and 128 leather and you have a deal.
We are clearly valuing these basic materials at different prices. No sorry, I won't change the offer. Good luck.
your oil of velentr and 10 hm for a copperbar
Wusel @ Omnia
Yep, deal.
My ID is 2448525
sent, please sned a trade invite to vlka_mister_freeze
Wusel @ Omnia

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