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Dual wielding-what it'll revolutionize and what it'll nerf.
Now, I know we all think the prospect of wielding two weapons is pretty cool. Alternatively, it's not that hard to code in the big spectrum of things, either. Why not add it? Many reasons.
I'm assuming this has been asked to add for a while now. Whether it has or not, I'm here to talk about what it'll buff and what it'll nerf. First, we talk about what it'll buff.
>More damage output.
>Generally looking cool.
>More flexibility.
>Two weapons for easier grinding.
>Two weapons better than one = good swing speed.
And then there's the [glow=blue,2,300]nerf[/glow].
>No blocking.
>Hard to use with barricade; solo weapons.
>Two of the same weapons; no variation.
What we have here is more goods than bads. Of course, the developers wouldn't allow this to be added without NERFING some of the good aspects, like:
>Takes up two inventory slots.
>Two times heavier.
>Less damage output, but still more than one weapon.
>Lessen the speed a bit.
Now, if they did this, they'd still have balanced gameplay alongside a ton more character variation and personality. It would give a lot more substance to the mod, therefore increasing the fun and playability.
My general verdict: Yes. I think it would keep the game balanced while adding more variation to the game. I also agree with nerfing the good things about dual wielding a bit (see above).

What are your guys' opinions? I want to see what the community thinks of dual-wielding, and how it should be played out.

As always, love you guys, Terath out.
-Terath, Donator.
if you have problem of the model variety send it to winter xen winter me winter me xen me winter because it'll piss him off
I rather have them code more essential and useful things than this.

Maybe in a much later patch ?
I overheard them talking about adding this 2085.
CC_Sir_Yabu - lvl 52 Wielder of the Rectal Glory
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i have to say, i simply don't like the idea of fighting with two swords.
In my opinion your strongest point is 'It looks cool' (in your opinion). And in my opinion it wouldn't 'so cool'.

I honor your work (you seem to have thought about that and listed pros and cons) but i cannot imagine that it is of a use implementing something that takes sucha huge offer to put ingame but has so little use in the end. I think and hope that it is more important to fix bugs, improve balance and add new items to improve flexibility.
'Who needs social life if you have double experience?' -yuri
I like the idea, but because of all the bads its useless for teams, and this mod needs teams to run!
?.?.12 - Wormbane
4.6.18 - Penetrator

[Image: 76561198058198743.png]
(06-05-2013, 06:08 AM)Terath link Wrote: Alternatively, it's not that hard to code in the big spectrum of things, either. Why not add it? Many reasons.

Who said that?

I keel them now.

It would probably require WSE and replacing a current weapon class (e.g. 1H, 2H or polearms.)
Though mounted animations aren't needed anymore, so they could be replaced. (though there isn't enough of them)

Swing directions:
then the blocking directions as well. 8 in total, probably more, as I'm sure I've forgotten something.
(There is lance stab, hafted blade swings x2, 2h stab (though that may be a 1h pole stab), 1h side swings x 2, maybe another) ~5 mounted

But, it wouldn't be easy coding in any way or form, if it's even possible.

And it would require new animations (which are incredibly hard to make/ time consuming). (Feel free to have a go, I think Papa Lazarou made a guide)

Then it's whether Hyper/Barristan thinks it fits the mod.
Not looking promising Tongue
Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.

2nd Knight forever!

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I might just throw this in at this point..
(06-05-2013, 01:55 PM)-Perception- link Wrote: I might just throw this in at this point..

Show me code not pictures, anyone can make a shield that looks like a sword and screenshots are generally misleading.

The game mechanics in the engine are made for one weapon fighting. Feel free to do the code on two weapons, at the very least I probably would add it for fists.
Shhh Barristan, its just for the looks..  Wink
Yeah, having complete control over each sword isn't really possible.

You could probably stick with just 4 block directions, but you would need 8 attack directions (which could be done at the same time without looking retarded).

Only way I see it happening is if you have both weapons being used at the same time, swing right, both move right.
Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.

2nd Knight forever!

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