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WTS:Swadian poleaxe,. crazy prices
the repeater back on sale? well that was quick  :o
Yes,wanna buff my armor first Tongue
i would do nikolskoe for the repeater Tongue
Heh,that's way too low Big Grin if you add around 4 mil then we have a deal.
heavy plated and gnezdovo for repeater, i cant balance ^^
Unfortunately that's  too low :/ that's something like 3.4 mil max.Repeater's crafting cost is like 5 mil.
Out of curiosity, how much would you value a field medic kit?
#20108       SK_Iron_Marauder ;  Previously SK_Iron, SK_Ironhill, SB_Ironhill, Swadius_of_Ironhills
#2462148    SK_Mica ; Previously Fat_and_Ugly
#2441007    SK_Royal_Guard_Gneiss ; Previously SK_Herr_Gneiss_Preasts
#2451456    SK_Hardy_Meat_Piston
#2432942    Raicho
#2514714    Ric_Flair

Around 2.6 mil.
Wanna make an new offer then for the repeater.

Worm bane
1 apple
And to top it off an Christmas hat!
Don't need arbalest.And I mainly look for pikeman stuff.

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