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Make a Nordinvasion Community Grand Campaign
The Idea, is simple. Every battle has a real effect on the plot and status of the tattered Swadian empire. Every battle won or lost gains or loses a specific territory. Houses all technically are united the same flag, but compete to 'win' the most territories back for the king, and in return for these territories they receive resources, etc.

The idea is rough, obviously.

It doesn't necessarily have to be updated live, etc, or even be very fancy. Just a neat forum-based map would be cool, maybe even just updated weekly, like a comic book-esque plotline with a little map attached on the forum. Idk. =D

I realize elements of this are already implemented, what'd you be adding in here is the visual realization, just something to look at.

To make things more interesting, you could have a GM/storyteller who with every update/addition to the map writes a short story to accompany it, with details of the King, and the status of the army and it's victories.

To begin the plot, we'd start roughly right at the outset of the campaign, where the core of the Swadian Imperial/Royal Army has been surrounded and routed, yet the King still holds the majority of the Swadian Empire under his control, at least in name.

The army is routed, but not destroyed. This 'routed' army, in near constant retreat against the overwhelming Nords, represents all players not in a House. The public players, in essence.

As the situation deteriorates, the King loses Imperial authority, and in his place, a strong feudalism takes root, with Houses sprouting up across the empire (Not technically sprouting up, more like the nobility assuming greater local authority and creating their own private armies), secluded pockets of resistance, who may move about as they wish. The King has limited, but some authority over them. Do the Houses act in their own best interests, or do they seek the King's Royal favor?

Messages In This Thread
Make a Nordinvasion Community Grand Campaign - by 2ndCS_Cdt_Synario - 11-07-2013, 05:13 AM

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