20-07-2013, 08:02 PM
Hmm, the aegis is the same materials as the resilience. I did not know that. The only problem with going that route is I think I prefer the look of the resilience over the aegis. Oh the choices. Ultimately though, I think any of the high tier shields will perform fine.
I actually thought the shield skill increased the shield health by 8%, not decrease damage taken by 8%. Can anyone confirm/deny which one is correct?
(19-07-2013, 08:10 PM)Yvain link Wrote:Shield skill : each skill point reduces damage to the shield by 8%. for instance a hit which would deal 50 damage if you have 0 shield skill deals 26 damage if you are a commando (6 shield skill), and 14 damage if you are a pavise champion (9 shield skill)
I actually thought the shield skill increased the shield health by 8%, not decrease damage taken by 8%. Can anyone confirm/deny which one is correct?
FV_RWCostanzo - 52 Royal Guard
FV_Nero - 52 Pavise Champion
FV_Noire - 52 Sniper
FV_Black - 52 Pikeman
Legendary Drops: lel, yeah right...
“He who does not walk against the arrows cannot talk about the strength of his shield!”
FV_RWCostanzo - 52 Royal Guard
FV_Nero - 52 Pavise Champion
FV_Noire - 52 Sniper
FV_Black - 52 Pikeman
Legendary Drops: lel, yeah right...
“He who does not walk against the arrows cannot talk about the strength of his shield!”