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Useless Cading?
Basicly, the devs added a new script to NI, which does the following:
1. Is the bot attacking a player?
2. If no, is there a cade within 3.2 meters of the bot?
3. If yes, deal 20 damage to said cade every second, regardless of the bot hitting the cade.

Whether this script allows the bot to hit all the cades within 3.2 meters at once, I don't know, but it would mean that, say, if you have 20 juggies at your cades, and only 2 of them are attacking players, 18*20 = 360 damage done to cades every second.
I was never here, you saw nothing...

Motivational tip: When you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and say confidently, "That's a nice head you have on your shoulders."

Messages In This Thread
Useless Cading? - by xFirestormx - 27-07-2013, 05:19 AM
Re: Useless Cading? - by Maroon - 27-07-2013, 11:28 AM
Re: Useless Cading? - by Huscarlton_Banks - 27-07-2013, 11:31 AM
Re: Useless Cading? - by Maroon - 27-07-2013, 11:39 AM

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