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Compensating modelers for their work
Like you said admins can join servers even if its full and are able to sneak in a friend just by leaving full server and rejoining after he gets in - I consider that a quite usefull perk. Mapmakers can "use" their own creation in NI, because they can simply play on their own maps with friends. In case of a modeler, he has no influence on how his work will be implemented. As a result a weapon he made could end up as an exclusive for the class he doesn't play or as a legendary (or high-end craftable) which he will never be able to afford. I suppose its just me, but I would be very upset not being able to obtain something I have put much effort and time.

Personally I would prefer to recieve a small reward for creating an item that I can hope to obtain (even marketplace quality thing) then hoping that devs some day consider that I've contributed enough (who knows how much "considerable" is?) and give me that awesome "substantial reward" (whatever it is).
I just like things to be "fair and square" and without all that "PR bullshit"- I do may job for the earlier agreed reward, we exchange stuff, shake hands and say goodbay.

As for the reasons you listed, have you ever asked the playerbase if they consider modeling "easier meathod of item gathering"? (how this supposed to be method of item gathering anyway? I didnt propose adding a created weapon to his creator inventory). If anyone think its easier to spend hours making 3d model and textures then playing NI, I really advise him to try to finish at least one decent quality 3d model before he come up with this opinion.
Also adding new items won't dilute anything as long as they won't be a "new best weapons". For example how adding a few blacksmith craftable blunt weapons for T4 would dilute current items? There are areas where nothing can be "diluted", cause there are nothing really there - like marketplace stuff for hero classes or house crafted polearms.

Last but not least appreciation SUCK! How many of you people would work hours IRL for an appreciation? I just don't buy that "They are obvious contributions, and get a lot of appreciation from the public" - vast majority of NI items are either from warband or from the OSP packs. How many of those players, who try to get these items know who created them? How many of them know who is xenoargh, mackie or narf? I think I'll actually try to pick some ppl ingame and ask if they know who made those items they are currently using -  if they appreciate them so much they surely know.

Anyway its REQUEST  - I don't demand anything. If devs say "no" than I'll go back to play NI and won't bother about it more. But if devs say "yes" then I'll be more then motivated to fill some"gaps" in the NI armory and I'm pretty damn sure I won't be the only one.
BoS_Niezdara - LVL 52 Repeaterman - Blacksmith LVL 22 | BoS_Niezdara_Guard - LVL 52 Royal Guard - Armorsmith LVL 25 | BoS_Niezdara_Peltast - LVL 52 Master Peltast - Alchemist LVL 25 | BoS_Niezdara_Warden - LVL 52 Warden

Messages In This Thread
Re: Compensating modelers for their work - by Niezdara - 27-08-2013, 09:20 PM
Re: Compensating modelers for their work - by evildan - 27-08-2013, 11:21 PM

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