26-02-2012, 02:02 AM
i have too say that more crossbows are needed and a new class would be good for them BUT, do not take 2h away from inf!!! the 2handers are the destructive inf weps infantry loves 2 handers and i know that cause tons of people use them. the support slot is shit cause maybe i want to solo and dont need a medkit or i need another shield. so the support slot needs to be a reg weapons slot so people are not forced to have something they dont need or want or an empty slot. or actually just give the opprotunity to put regular shields in support and leave the weapons out of it because then there will still be people using medkits and such. and back to the xbow point: good idea bad ways of dealing with it(in medieval times xbow men had an xbow, bolts, and a onehander) put xbow up for a new xbow class some new bolts and some one handed swords only xbowmen have, but dont take away from inf or arch only add stuff for xbow men. Good idea panda