12-09-2013, 06:01 AM
I just spent 30 minutes typing this response and Ragnash comes and posts something that does everything my post does in a more succinct and eloquent manner. I'm posting this anyway.
To address your questions, you aren't forbidden to join Ragnarok without better armor, and 5 body armor makes a ton of difference.
But in my view, it is disrespectful when a player doesn't spawn in with their best gear on Ragnarok mode. If you want to join a server wearing your favored attire, play on a normal server where the game is much more forgiving. It's unfair to those on the server who are putting in time and effort to kill Odin if other players are not doing their part and utilizing their best gear. Ragnarok is arduous even with a good team, so if you are perceived as not contributing you will quickly earn the resentment of other players.
On another note, it's understandable to move back and juggle items when there is no room on the shield wall, but your sole role shouldn't ever be that of equipment juggler. Juggling should only take your full attention on waves like Jotnes or Einherjar Snipers. Other things you can do is help hold last, help heal by picking up or asking for medic boxes, and build barricades on waves that require it. Another thing you could do is bring in short heavy barricades as Ragnarok runs always utilize those.
My advice is not to join Ragnarok mode until you have learned the fundamentals of the game, and the equipment to do well on hard mode (barricades, good shields, decent weapons). If you can't survive and contribute on hard mode, there is no point in joining Ragnarok. The highest difficulty of the game should not be taken lightly.
To address your questions, you aren't forbidden to join Ragnarok without better armor, and 5 body armor makes a ton of difference.
But in my view, it is disrespectful when a player doesn't spawn in with their best gear on Ragnarok mode. If you want to join a server wearing your favored attire, play on a normal server where the game is much more forgiving. It's unfair to those on the server who are putting in time and effort to kill Odin if other players are not doing their part and utilizing their best gear. Ragnarok is arduous even with a good team, so if you are perceived as not contributing you will quickly earn the resentment of other players.
On another note, it's understandable to move back and juggle items when there is no room on the shield wall, but your sole role shouldn't ever be that of equipment juggler. Juggling should only take your full attention on waves like Jotnes or Einherjar Snipers. Other things you can do is help hold last, help heal by picking up or asking for medic boxes, and build barricades on waves that require it. Another thing you could do is bring in short heavy barricades as Ragnarok runs always utilize those.
My advice is not to join Ragnarok mode until you have learned the fundamentals of the game, and the equipment to do well on hard mode (barricades, good shields, decent weapons). If you can't survive and contribute on hard mode, there is no point in joining Ragnarok. The highest difficulty of the game should not be taken lightly.
ba da bing ba da BAN! -Hypernoma