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NI Drinking game Event - Saturday 21st - Trickster - Ragnarok
Its time again to run the most fun event within Nordinvasion, The NI Drinking game Event! This will be on Saturday the 21st Sept (9pm BST)(10PM French time) (4pm EST). Please sign up in thread if you are at all interested in joining. Here is a sampler of some of the rules -

1 Drink - Every time a shield breaks

1 Drink when you see an alt-taber

1 Drink when somebody asks what wave it is

1 Drink - Every time a teammate finishes a wave having fought with a Heavy Practice Sword or Frying Pan

1 Drink - Every time a cade breaks

3 Drinks - Every nord killed by melee (fists or kick)

3 Drinks - Every time you burp on ts

1 Drink - Every time a player dies

1 Drink - Every time you need to go AFK

Messages In This Thread
NI Drinking game Event - Saturday 21st - Trickster - Ragnarok - by evildan - 15-09-2013, 07:54 PM
Re: NI Drinking game Event - Saturday 21st - Trickster - by evildan - 15-09-2013, 08:38 PM

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