05-10-2013, 08:35 PM
Well, normally I'd schedule another event for next week, but a few members have already said that they won't be able to make it next weekend, so the next event may be 2 weeks from now. However, if enough people are able to attend an event next weekend (same day, time adjustable), then I will schedule one.
Official Banner Update Pack - http://forum.nordinv.com/index.php/topic,25828.0.html
Perseus (Lvl 52 Royal Guard)
Artemis (Lvl 52 Warden)
Hephaestus (Lvl 52 Zweihander)
Ares (Lvl 52 Pikeman Hybrid)
Hestia (Lvl 24 Heavy Xbow)
Loots: 1x Sun Pike
Perseus (Lvl 52 Royal Guard)
Artemis (Lvl 52 Warden)
Hephaestus (Lvl 52 Zweihander)
Ares (Lvl 52 Pikeman Hybrid)
Hestia (Lvl 24 Heavy Xbow)
Loots: 1x Sun Pike