04-03-2012, 07:15 PM
I play 2nd Edition, where alignments give no bonuses to stats or powers or whatever, mainly because there are no "perks" or "feats." All alignments do is give you a guideline on how to roleplay your character(s). Also, classes have restrictions, like mages can't wear armor at all or clerics can't use edged weapons (but spiked ones are alright). However, the great thing about D&D are that these particular things are more like guidelines and not definite rules. If you wanted, you could allow mages to wear full plate and clerics use swords, but it would have to fit in the universe you play in. Mainly the plate-wearing mage will never happen because a mage is more of a bookish person, and wouldn't have the strength or training to be able to walk around in plate mail, let alone fight in it. Plus, mages aren't supposed to be in the midst of the fighting anyway. However, clerics using weapons other than blunted/spiked ones would depend entirely on what god they serve, which you can make up yourself, just like the gameworld you play in. For example, a priest of the God of War could use swords, or axes, or even whatever weapon he wanted. A priest of the God of Hunting could use spears and bows as well as weapons that are naturally allowed to use.
SB_Talgion_Cheeseliker (Commando/Militia)
SB_Hyrpyndyrpyn_IV (Skirmisher)
SB_Hyrpyndyrpyn_IV (Skirmisher)