27-10-2013, 09:08 PM
Hmm, well for middle of the week events, this coming week would work perfectly. I have Thursday and Friday off, so if one of those days works better for you than the weekend, I'll ask around and maybe organize an event during then.
Official Banner Update Pack - http://forum.nordinv.com/index.php/topic,25828.0.html
Perseus (Lvl 52 Royal Guard)
Artemis (Lvl 52 Warden)
Hephaestus (Lvl 52 Zweihander)
Ares (Lvl 52 Pikeman Hybrid)
Hestia (Lvl 24 Heavy Xbow)
Loots: 1x Sun Pike
Perseus (Lvl 52 Royal Guard)
Artemis (Lvl 52 Warden)
Hephaestus (Lvl 52 Zweihander)
Ares (Lvl 52 Pikeman Hybrid)
Hestia (Lvl 24 Heavy Xbow)
Loots: 1x Sun Pike