20-11-2013, 06:13 PM
Well, I don't usually use a crossbow on my xbox. It does impress me that you got it to tier 4, though. I couldn't get mine past tier 1 >.<
In all seriousness, no. Siege Crossbow is trash compared to the glorious, only slightly more expensive Arbalest. If you are tier 4, get that. As far as armor goes, Emblemed Crossbowman's Mail is pretty cheap (a good ~100k), and the next step up is closer 1.5 million. You may as well get the Emblemed over the marketplace, as it isn't much more expensive (one or two good Ragnarok/Hard runs) and offers a lot more protection.
In all seriousness, no. Siege Crossbow is trash compared to the glorious, only slightly more expensive Arbalest. If you are tier 4, get that. As far as armor goes, Emblemed Crossbowman's Mail is pretty cheap (a good ~100k), and the next step up is closer 1.5 million. You may as well get the Emblemed over the marketplace, as it isn't much more expensive (one or two good Ragnarok/Hard runs) and offers a lot more protection.