20-12-2013, 05:36 PM
Full house name: Defender of the King
House Tag: DK_Name
Primary language: English
Min. recruiting lvl.: 39+
Recruiting region (Int./ EU/ NA/ AU): EU most common(NA is also accepted)
Leader(s): Tarail
Thread link: http://forum.nordinvasion.com/index.php?...56769.html
Voiceserver (IP, channel name): Nordinavasion Channel
Banner link or image:
House Tag: DK_Name
Primary language: English
Min. recruiting lvl.: 39+
Recruiting region (Int./ EU/ NA/ AU): EU most common(NA is also accepted)
Leader(s): Tarail
Thread link: http://forum.nordinvasion.com/index.php?...56769.html
Voiceserver (IP, channel name): Nordinavasion Channel
Banner link or image:
![[Image: tWdmt4j.jpg?gl=DE]](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-TfhxXHNvT-I/UrR_FqtrztI/AAAAAAAAAiE/8Oq5Op_zyTw/s340/tWdmt4j.jpg?gl=DE)
![[Image: Tarbs.jpg]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16267176/Tarbs.jpg)
"I wish the germans would have melt the Eiffel Tower and make tanks to kill the french" - not telling
"I ain´t gonna drop my stuff for these guys" - Wambo
"What do you call the german Secret Service? - SS" - not telling