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boarding axe/defender boots/emblemed
want to trade defender boots for swadian boots plus whatever you are willing to balance

also got a boarding axe if anyones interested in that

as well as a emblemed xbow mail

p.s. im only semi active so dont be surprised if i dont respond for a while
PEW PEW!!!! PEW PEW PEW!!!!!!!
PK_Wolfsblood: Prince kills 2 , thor kills 1
PK_Wolfsfang: thor kills 1
PK_Wolfsclaw: prince kills 2, Thor kills 1, odin kills 1
PK_Wolfman: prince kills 1

Messages In This Thread
boarding axe/defender boots/emblemed - by Wolfsblood - 20-01-2014, 05:09 PM
Re: WTS Dreaded war pick/worm bane - by Murrow - 21-01-2014, 12:05 AM
Re: boarding axe/defender boots - by Wolfsblood - 22-01-2014, 03:55 PM

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