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[Diablo II] 1.09D PvP Server
This is the for the current version of D2Region (01|20|11), which is based off of the beloved D2Relived mod (Not ran by anyone from there, but the original modders Tenka + Tyler|zSmite and the old moderator Ghostx have given their consent)

*Note to admins/mods: I apologize if I am not allowed to advertise here, or if this is in the wrong section of the forums. Let me know if I need to change/edit anything, as I am not wanting to break any rules.

After a month of private beta we finally launched D2Region to the public on Friday the 2nd of September, and a week later we updated to make it easier for new characters to start on their own (Starter Set and Weapons). This is a PvP Mod, but certainly has many 1.09 PvM elements to it. We have released 4 Patches since opening the gates, and still continue to Modify the Patch to add more elements to the game!

Realm Features:
-Active Staff
-Active Mod Development (Your Opinion Matters Here!)
-Tournaments With Prizes
-[URL=http://""]Super Cow[/URL] Events [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Teamspeak Server
-PvP Arena [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Good Manor Duels (Zero Tolerance For Bad Manor)
-Great ping ([URL=http://""]InterNap Connection[/URL])
-Newly Created [URL=http://""]D2Tabber[/URL] (based Off of Butchers Tabbed Diablo)

Key Features:
-Channel GUI Face Lift
-Redesigned Act 1, 3 & 5 Town Maps
-Entrance to Tristam added in Town for faster Starting Leveling [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-D2Loader and MapHack provided which allows for multiple client logons
-All new characters have tokens that you cube for full starter set and starters weapon
-Start with the cube
-Ormus add to exits of Act1 for faster healing between duels [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Customized WayPoints to speed up rushing [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Increased Experience by 2x Regular 1.09D standards, and during Super Cow events 7x the experience
-Heavily modded cow level containing more than 2k cows [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-No need to make a portal, there are trap doors that lead into the cow level in town [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Starter/Noob pen, where people being power leveled can stand  without danger,    but cannot steal items or move out of the pen except  to go back to town [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Custom sets including starter gear [URL=http://""][Link][/URL]
-Fully geared Mercenaries [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-All 1.08 Items added and drop in game
-Custom Unique Items inspired towards PvP [URL=http://""][Link][/URL]
-Custom cube recipes using a token system from level rewards and  enhanced bosses. (Ie: 6os Windforce, Cliffhanger amulet, Occy rings,  Iths  & many more) [URL=http://""][Link][/URL]
-Increased tome sizes, each capable of holding 100 each, as well as taking up only one inventory space [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Increased arrow stacks to 500, as well as unique and magical arrow drops with assorted bonuses [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Increased Key stack size to 100
-Start with the cube, it only takes up one inventory space and it is as large as it can be when you open it [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Teleport in town as well as all Pre-Casting buffs
-Stash and cube increased [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Can create 20 characters per account, which never get deleted due to inactivity
-New in-Game color vials, which allow you to change the color of predetermined items such as Vampire Gaze and Arreat's Face. (More to be added later)[URL=http://""][Link][/URL]

Other Features:
-Revamped GUI with many icon enhancements [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Quest Icons enhanced to add some flavor [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Many map edits and enhancements [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Quickly rush your characters
-Jerhyn moved next to Meshif [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-Start out near the Town Portal area in Act II
-Start out next to the waypoint in Act III [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-All quest items have be reduced to take only one space [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-No rain (causes lag for some), we will be launching a client side patch for visual edits to allow for smoother gameplay
-Experience shrines regenerate faster and have an increased duration
-Gem shrines recharge every 5 minutes
-Damage reduced can be found/rolled on magic items (15%-30%)
-The IK maul is a CB, so it can be dual wielded by barbs
-All classic sets have sockets added
-All LOD sets improved to mimic 1.13 set attributes
-Cruel weapons infinitely re-rollable
-Added Andurmendiaal which drops bugged tokens that are used in bugged items [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]
-[URL=http://""]Partial bugged tokens[/URL] added, Mephfesto drops them
-Many [URL=http://""]recipes[/URL] which give more power to the player!
-More Pictures [URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]|[URL=http://""][Pic][/URL]

[URL=http://""]Website[/URL] | [URL=http://""]Forums[/URL] | [URL=http://""]Youtube[/URL] | [URL=http://""]Facebook[/URL] | [URL=http://""]Twitter[/URL]

[Image: animatedbanner1.gif]

Connection Info: There are many ways of connecting, this short guide will cover what is needed to play on our realm:

Step 1:
-You must have Diablo II installed, can be any patch

Step 2:
--If you have a patch greater than 1.09D, [URL=http://""]follow this guide[/URL]
--If you have done a clean install, [URL=http://""]follow this guide[/URL]
--If you have 1.09D already installed, [URL=http://""]follow this guide[/URL]
--If you want to use the D2SE Plugin, [URL=http://""]download it here[/URL]

Step 3:
-[URL=http://""]Follow this guide[/URL] for configuring the realm

Step 4:
-Configuration of D2Loader, [URL=http://""]follow this guide[/URL] (included in the install packs)

*If you are unsure what patch you are running, open Diablo II and look in the [URL=http://""]lower left and you should see the patch you are running[/URL]. This can be many things, and if you have installed a different mod it may say something different as well.

I am always available to  help you and I am open to suggestions/comments, pertaining to patch updates | forum | and anything else you can think of. You can reach me on [URL=http://""]here[/URL]  via a pm | in game (*admin) | or by using the [URL=http://""]Suggestions/Comments forum[/URL]!

Messages In This Thread
[Diablo II] 1.09D PvP Server - by kalans - 30-01-2014, 09:57 PM

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