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Report: FF_Lieferservice and Bordellhure
ok i can understand you but you have to be a little bit more tolerant! i was on skype with them and told them to farm hm for our wall cade !
its no hard crime to ask somebody to leave if the server is anyway empty and there are enough other empty servers to farm on your own.
They asked you polite to leave because they need all loots !
I also saw players farming and soloing who asked me to leave and its no problem for5 me to leave if they wanna play alone. Dont be like a little child and crie for your right " Its a public server" !
Please dont report them for such a little incident, we just wanna play and finish our wall cade... if we ask you polite to leave that we can get the loots which we are entitled whats youre inevitable problem to leave the server ?

sorry for my english and hope for understanding
nice greetings Schlagbohrer

Messages In This Thread
Re: Report: FF_Lieferservice and Bordellhure - by Schlagbohrer - 08-02-2014, 07:34 PM

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