26-02-2014, 02:15 PM
Dude please sell the mats which are not required for SSbow and buy the mats required. That way you may get someone to craft you something. This way propably nobody will do it.
StabbyPatty - Marauder | FatPat - Royal Guard | CrossPatch - Chosen Marksman | SirPatroklos - Zweihander | Patroklos - Legionnaire
Nyx - Master Peltast | Athena - Pavise Champion | Hemera - Warden | Hestia - Halberdier
AdventurePat - Aventurier | CutePat - Sentinel | Electra - Ranger
[Image: 929e4bf8d6.png]
Nyx - Master Peltast | Athena - Pavise Champion | Hemera - Warden | Hestia - Halberdier
AdventurePat - Aventurier | CutePat - Sentinel | Electra - Ranger
[Image: 929e4bf8d6.png]