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"Google Roulette" is what my friend calls it
Ok, not REALLY a game, but it's pretty damn funny and entertaining. What you do is take a sentence, any sentence, and go to and put it in there from english to any language, and keep switching the languages 10+ times. After that, post the origional and the after-effect here, so we can all laugh at it. NOTE!: it works best with long sentences, and is funniest when a paragraph is used.
Using the above paragraph:

Well, no game, not the brightness of the United Nations also happy. What is the sister of the GIA, and related links What times 1/10 Angles give any of the languages ​​and the language itself will give you a no English English English English English English English. Controversy for a place in the First Place, nn all laughed. NOTE: THIS IS A longer and more interesting than can be serviced if necessary.

As you can see, it is a total brain F***.
Don't say ANYTHING.
What, do you expect a speech?

Messages In This Thread
"Google Roulette" is what my friend calls it - by Annoying_Archer - 25-03-2012, 07:07 PM

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